Bird/Alta 12/9

jamesdeluxe":3lxatyd6 said:
So you're agreeing with Icelantic that you'll get more untracked lines at Sunday River?
Of course. Especially on a Tuesday when it's snowing 4"/hr.
Admin":3vbuls6r said:
jamesdeluxe":3vbuls6r said:
Back during your manly days on the Jay Peak patrol, you would've skied on that knee, and loved it!

Guess I've just gone soft. :lol:

Or old!!! 8-[ :wink:

I've been out of the loop of late, I didn't realized you got hurt.
Patrick":hfejjux4 said:
Or old!!! 8-[ :wink:

No doubt!

Patrick":hfejjux4 said:
I've been out of the loop of late, I didn't realized you got hurt.

Just left the doc. Turns out that my self-diagnosis was right on the money: grade 1 MCL strain. Both knees otherwise look pretty darned good for a 42 year-old, although the ACL on the right (bad) knee is a bit softer than the other one, possibly due to Saturday's mishap.

He figures 6 weeks until I feel back to normal, but I'm cleared to ski with a brace as long as I feel up to it (the benefit, I guess, of seeing a former US Ski Team ortho!), so with brace in hand I'll be out testing the waters this weekend in new snow. \:D/
salida":y2o481qh said:
When the farm turns into a long rowed harvest then the rules will be easier to follow. Until the masses upsize from their 171 'fat' skis, I doubt that will happen.

upsize? fat skis are the problem. as much as i love fat skis, it's allowed too many people that don't' have the skills to ski powder or various forms of it to get onto slopes and just float, wiggle and pivot skid their way around barely on the edge of control. upsizing just makes everyone think that they are in a tgr film shoot, make big ole turns and "throw em out there" to shed speed. ya know, it's a big truck, little pinky thang. i know it's impossible to control people, but i just like to put a word out from time to time that folks may consider somewhat interesting even though most wouldn't agree with me or care and that's fine, it's what forums are for and no, i don't hold back and why should i? just my opinions.
jamesdeluxe":3a6lrnih said:
So you're agreeing with Icelantic that you'll get more untracked lines at Sunday River?

well, i must say, it's nice to hear people agree that alta get's hit hard and fast. funny that people would question me on it as i did live right at the bottom of high rustler in 95, and it got tracked way too fast for my taste then, and that was with slow lifts putting less folks on the hill. even more funny is that when i lived there 13 years ago, all of the locals then would say how overun with powder hounds the place had become in recent years to then. don't get me wrong, alta has wonderful terrain, one of the most natural feels of any hill out there and i love it on refill days, it's just changed so much, but i guess change is inevitable. terrain aside, i do get more complete untracked on a given day at some resorts on a regular basis out here than i did at alta with no competition for it or lift lines of any kind and i prefer that atmosphere. gonna be a good weekend to be a wasatch skier, eastern skier? very amusing at this time. good to have a good sense of humor and know that it'll dump again soon.
Hey, I agree with you. Even though most people here won't touch it with a ten-foot pole, when I'm in SLC, I always end up at Solitude because I like the "no one here but us chickens" feel.
I'm cleared to ski with a brace as long as I feel up to it
Admin observed Adam's girlfriend Molly skiing with a brace and no ACL a few days last season. Presumably the brace will prevent further MCL injury. Molly reported that skiing the groomers was fairly normal but that the off-trail softer snow tended to fatigue/aggravate the injured knee faster. Since admin only skis groomed runs under extreme duress, it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Is the ortho recommending any rehab exercises midweek?
Tony Crocker":2lv4uqak said:
Is the ortho recommending any rehab exercises midweek?

Nope. I asked, "So, no big deal?"

"No big deal," he confirmed. "You'll know what you can and can't do. You'll be back to normal in about 6 weeks."

He did caution me, though that with the slightly softer ACL in that knee, should I feel any instability or a sudden feeling of giving way I should return immediately; otherwise in four weeks.

He said that I'd feel burning and/or pain on the medial aspect of that knee when turning to the left. The brace will help to support the MCL in that situation.
He said that I'd feel burning and/or pain on the medial aspect of that knee when turning to the left.
So the prescription is to avoid the situations where those turns are painful I presume. This is probably a good plan since by staying active you'll avoid the muscle atrophy that lengthened the rehab time so much after my knee injuries.

How much self-control will admin have to show on big powder days? My guess is not a lot when it's really untracked, but watch out for the chopped and variable stuff. Perhaps he should spend more time at Solitude and less at Alta over the next month. :wink: