EMSC":256mil4u said:
If you are coming west from anyplace roughly due east I'd bet it's a wash on timing. The extra 45 min of flight time to SLC means the now 45 min of 'extra' driving in Colo matches the 45min of driving from the airport to the ski areas in Utah...
I disagree based on my experience.
Firstly, the flight is an extra 45 minutes at most. Most days depending on winds the flight is an extra 30-35 minutes. Also note that KSLC has much less traffic and weather issues, so a holding pattern almost never takes place there. It's one of the finest airports in the country.
Secondly, SLC's airport layout is advantageous in getting you out of there quickly (quick walk to baggage claim and car rental) in comparison to Denver's.
Thirdly, Denver's airport is 30 minutes to the east of the city which is still a good hour and 15 minutes to loveland (I could be wrong about the timing to loveland from denver but I remember it being about that). From KSLC I can hit Solitude in a mere 30 minutes due to the proximity of the mountains and well laid out highways.
Fourthly, the weather can conspire against you flying into KDEN in comparison to KSLC. If it is snowing, the drive to loveland becomes much longer and far more hazardous. This is almost never an issue in SLC as most of the snow gets caught in the mountains and the majority of the driving takes place in the valley.
When going out for a short weekend I almost always choose SLC over Colorado. However, I have friends out in Colorado, and always plan about a week or so to spend with them out in Frisco.