My crappy Jay and Tucks vids

nice! you gotta take the date and time off those photos though! seeing that vid of tucks makes me wonder how far i'll be able to push my arm both this year and beyond. the thought of tumbling ragdoll style down tucks used to be viewed as a hazard of the fun, not a prospect i care to entertain since snapping my elbow!
You're too hard on yourself, NHPH! Any ski video featuring a soundtrack from the Femmes has to be good! :wink:
For some reason, I get directed to "free web". Is this where the videos are? I'd love to see them and also learn how to uplaod a couple I made. If anyone knows, please tell me. Thanks!
Very professional, Salida! I'm still at the home movie stage, but you've inspired me to reach higher.. (and maybe go to college, so I can have some free time again!).