For this weekend Mrs. Admin, our dogs and I were looking for a new place to explore. Despite its proximity to home (only about 60 miles away) I have never before driven the Nebo Loop, a National Scenic Byway that runs around the east side of Mt Nebo, which at 11,929 feet is the highest summit in the Wasatch Mountains.
We headed up after work on Friday, encountering 30 minutes of rush hour delays on I-15. Bow hunting season began August 15 for both deer and elk, and most spots -- including the one I wanted from Google Earth recon -- were already taken by hunters who simply left their trailers there for the 14-day limit. We therefore left the Nebo Loop (FR-015) and headed west on the unpaved FR-014 toward Santaquin Canyon. There we found a delightful spot in Santaquin Meadows that while not entirely flat, I was able to successfully conquer the 5" side-to-side height differential and level the RV with some creativity.

Our camp.

Extreme leveling.

Another view of our camp.

Exploring around camp.
It was a wonderful weekend all the way around -- we drove most of the rest of the Nebo Loop on Saturday, checking out Devil's Kitchen and stopping at Box Lake to let the dogs swim. They needed it -- I took a walk from camp on Saturday morning trying to find a spring noted on my topo map. The dogs found it before I did, and it turned out to be more of a mud bog than the pristine spring that I was expecting.


Utah Valley and Utah Lake from near camp.

Box Lake

Mt. Nebo in the distance, from the Nebo Loop Road.

Mt. Nebo

Devil's Kitchen

Our camp.

Campfire Saturday night.

Our view of Mt. Nebo from camp.

Looking down on Santaquin Meadows from the Nebo Loop Road, our camp is clearly visible.
Returning home this afternoon, we opted to head up the west side of Utah Lake where we stopped to again let the dogs swim, and were stopped by the sheriff for a few moments to allow a helicopter to pick up water from the lake and ferry it to yet another wildfire above the road.
We headed up after work on Friday, encountering 30 minutes of rush hour delays on I-15. Bow hunting season began August 15 for both deer and elk, and most spots -- including the one I wanted from Google Earth recon -- were already taken by hunters who simply left their trailers there for the 14-day limit. We therefore left the Nebo Loop (FR-015) and headed west on the unpaved FR-014 toward Santaquin Canyon. There we found a delightful spot in Santaquin Meadows that while not entirely flat, I was able to successfully conquer the 5" side-to-side height differential and level the RV with some creativity.
Our camp.
Extreme leveling.
Another view of our camp.
Exploring around camp.
It was a wonderful weekend all the way around -- we drove most of the rest of the Nebo Loop on Saturday, checking out Devil's Kitchen and stopping at Box Lake to let the dogs swim. They needed it -- I took a walk from camp on Saturday morning trying to find a spring noted on my topo map. The dogs found it before I did, and it turned out to be more of a mud bog than the pristine spring that I was expecting.
Utah Valley and Utah Lake from near camp.
Box Lake
Mt. Nebo in the distance, from the Nebo Loop Road.
Mt. Nebo
Devil's Kitchen
Our camp.
Campfire Saturday night.
Our view of Mt. Nebo from camp.
Looking down on Santaquin Meadows from the Nebo Loop Road, our camp is clearly visible.
Returning home this afternoon, we opted to head up the west side of Utah Lake where we stopped to again let the dogs swim, and were stopped by the sheriff for a few moments to allow a helicopter to pick up water from the lake and ferry it to yet another wildfire above the road.