President's week crowds at SLC area resorts...?

I forgot to respond to this:

snowave":3slixfnp said:
staying in Cottonwood that night at the Residence Inn.

That's within stumbling distance of 'Bout Time Pub and Grub, a small sports bar where I often go to play Buzztime Trivia, formerly known as NTN to geeks like me who have been playing it in various locations for over 20 years. You'll find me there playing as "Dumbaz"...and typically kicking Tcope's ass. :wink: His NTN handle is -- appropriately enough -- "Pstain" :lol: . Good pizza, OK burgers and lousy wings. 90% of the menu is fried.
Admin":3651qrsz said:
Those quirks lead to the aforementioned misconceptions although some residents like Tcope prefer to bury their head in the sand and assert that it's not a problem at all. He also believes that those misconceptions don't actually exist. :roll: Believe it or not he still pines for the days that Utah bars were restricted as private clubs.

Not exactly correct... and this is the case where missing the mark means the target is completely missed.

For those that get out, there are _many_ states and areas within states with weird laws. Utah is certain not alone in that regard. What some hard liquor... only from an "airplane" bottle. Want alcohol on Sunday... sorry, you are SOL. How much alcohol in that beer.. figure it out by weight. All of these apply other states (the last one applies to Utah but not Utah alone (I think there are 3 states that determine alcohol by weight (see, even the people from Utah get mixed up). [Edit: Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Utah]

The actual conversation was about people thinking Utah was a dry state. So far, no one in this thread posted that and actually, it seems everyone knew it was not. Really just supports my point if nothing else.

My thought was if a person was thinking about skiing some of the best snow in the US and ruled out Utah because they thought the state was dry.... then perhaps it's not such a huge loss. Apparently (according to some people) this is such a huge problem that it's killing the ski industry in Utah. Again, the issue is people thinking the state is dry!

The only issue I see in this thread is the same thing I thought... that you could not get good beer in Utah. We actually have several good micro breweries and those beers can have slightly higher alcohol content. But I prefer lower alcohol content as this usually means more flavor.

Do I like Utah's odd laws? Sure. But I will admit one thing... while I did like "Private Clubs", it's nice not to have them any longer. I like them as it drove people to the same bar so you'd get to know the "locals". It kind of turned the place into "our bar". But I'll be the first to say that I don't miss them. We still have the name tags on anyone who serves alcohol, still have the Zion curtain ( ](*,) ) and a few others I can't even keep track of. Personally, I've never heard of not being able to serve a drink over a bar (I think that might have been that some restaurants have to _serve_ the drink).
Tcope, the number of flatly erroneous statements in that post is shocking, even for you. If anyone else wants a crack at this, I'll give you the first shot - have at him.

-- Sent from my TouchPad using Communities
That post confused me, tcope...I think I'll have a shot of scotch. I'm kinda over the booze conversation now that Admin and I came to an agreement on the point I was trying to figure out and also explain (which I did poor job of for several posts).

Admin.. sometimes fried food is ok, but bad wings... booo! Anyway, we'll try and work something out. Any good sushi places in the neighborhood?

Skibum4ever.. thanks... we'll be in Mammoth next week for a tuneup!
flyover":3kmmy6kc said:
Marc_C":3kmmy6kc said:
Another misconception. It is not legal to sell beer in a keg or any container larger than X ml (I don't recall the size limit at the moment) to consumers. However, in a bar it is perfectly legal to dispense and sell the contents of said cask. We in fact do have a number of cask conditioned beers. Squatters Pub always has at least one on tap. The bigger problem is that since a cask conditioned ale is unpasteurized, it must be kept cold, and in Utah, it is illegal to have coolers in the state liquor stores.

My understanding is that I cannot walk into Squatters brewpub in downtown SLC and buy a greater-than-4%-ABV beer that doesn't come in a bottle. If I am wrong about this, then it is a misconception shared by just about everyone who has ever reviewed a Squatters beer on beeradvocate.
You and they are incorrect. Every single one of the beers listed has been available on tap at one time or another. You have to sit in the specific bar area or eat at a table and order from a server in order to get them.

But none of that is what you originally said. You had stated flatly that cask conditioned beers were illegal in Utah. That is not true.
Marc_C":2f6vr5i0 said:
But none of that is what you originally said. You had stated flatly that cask conditioned beers were illegal in Utah. That is not true.

With all respect, I did not. Here's the quote:

flyover":2f6vr5i0 said:
However, the truest expression of many of the higher-alcohol styles is cask conditioning. Such beers are, apparently, not legal to sell in Utah.

Stated another way: it appears that higher-alcohol cask-conditioned beers cannot be sold in Utah.

I use words like "apparently" and "appears" because I haven't actually dug into the Utah code to look at the alcohol statutes. I note that even Squatters themselves do not appear to be doing anything to dispel this misconception. Take a look at the beer list on their website:

Out of the 12 listed beers, 9 of them are 4% ABV and available at Squatters' pubs on tap. 3 of them (the IPA, the Hop Rising, and the Big Cottonwood), have ABVs higher than 4%. According to Squatters' own website, these higher-ABV beers are available at their pubs only in bottles. If they can legally sell higher-alcohol beers on tap, why does their website create the very strong impression that they don't? Also, why the heavy manipulation of the ABVs to meet that 4% number?
Ok, So how about another topic for my trip.

Tell me more about Powder Mtn.

But keep these thoughts in mind for me, please.

I've done a little research here, but am still having a hard time getting a grasp for the place. If I'm not going there just for powder, are the groomers decent (long and nicely groomed) and enough to keep us entertained for half a day or so? (if it were just me, I would be there primarily for the powder... but I am sacrificing a little here for the lady)

The other alternative for our last day of riding is Brighton. Mainly because as I said earlier in this thread, it's the only place in the LCC and BCC that I haven't been to yet... and it's going to be the only chance for the lady to go to one of the front side canyon resorts as we're doing Sundance, PC and Snowbasin as the others. Plus, I might get to see Admin, and raid his secret stash of 22.8% beer. :-$

My lady is a middle road intermediate skier. She can go down blacks, but mainly just to get down. She likes blues, and mostly groomers. However, she has had a couple powder days, but that's not really what I think is best for us this trip.. We're mostly going to stay on the groomers with a little bit of off piste stuff if the snow is decent.

I board, so do I need to be concerned about many flats? I have heard some rumors...

Would you do PowMow of Brighton based on these concerns?

Thanks for any advice..
I've spent a lot of time at Powder Mountain.

It is a massive area, there are more than enough groomers to keep anyone happy if they are into that and it is deserted. The general complaint would be that it is a little on the flat side and that would be particularly true of much of the groomed terrain and solely talking about groomers there are one or two pretty long cat tracks to the base of Paradise(not looking at a map so don't jump on me if I have the wrong name).

There is a laidback vibe at the resort IMO in comparison to any of the other Utah resorts and the bar after skiing is the best.
Agree with q. Love the place, but if you don't know where you're going and on a board you could find yourself on a flat without good planning. That nearly rules out Cobabe Canyon due to the access issues (flats at the top and a poma lift could create access issues if your other half isn't used to riding one on a board). You'd want to stick to the runs closer to the lift in Paradise, or ride Hidden Lake, Timberline, etc. If she's never done a cat run then $12/pop is a cheap introduction.
good info.. Thanks for the tips. Flats are not fun... btw, I ride, but the lady just ski's right now. However, one of our biggest complaints about Montana was all the flat runouts at the bottom 1/3 of the mtns.. at Big Sky/Moonlight, Bridger.. and a little less so at Discovery. It was kinda annoying.. but we are spoiled with Mammoth, I guess. It's obviously a little easier to avoid when you know a place better.

However, you guys are taking the easy way out by not picking a place for me! I don't like making decisions.... cuz if I'm wrong, I can't blame it on someone else.
Just my opinion, but I don't think Powder Mountain is the right choice if it hasn't snowed. There's some decent groomers I guess but it's called Powder Mountain for a reason. Also, it's a pretty tough place to get your bearings at the first few times you're there, I'd say give Brighton a try if you haven't been and save Powder Mountain for a day when it snowed within the past day or 2 and you want to get some good intermediate powder skiing in.
socal":3ngnszgb said:
Just my opinion, but I don't think Powder Mountain is the right choice if it hasn't snowed. There's some decent groomers I guess but it's called Powder Mountain for a reason. Also, it's a pretty tough place to get your bearings at the first few times you're there, I'd say give Brighton a try if you haven't been and save Powder Mountain for a day when it snowed within the past day or 2 and you want to get some good intermediate powder skiing in.

Those are kinda some of the thoughts that've been in the back of my head... I've also considered the snow factor, too. So if there is some fresh stuff when we're there , and the lady is up for it, we might give it a shot.

I agree with Powder Mountain comments about groomers, particularly with Snowbasin in the neighborhood. That is one of the very best fall line groomer mountains anywhere. My ex Becky loves the place.

I would also take Solitude over Powder Mountain in your situation, particularly with current snow conditions.
Tony Crocker":owbtu4fc said:
I would also take Solitude over Powder Mountain in your situation, particularly with current snow conditions.

As someone who's actually here in Utah, I can tell you that "current snow conditions" are no longer an issue.
And if anyone thinks that the liquor laws are killing the ski industry, they haven't skied in Utah...nothing will kill it, its growing, so much so that the issue is how to accomodate it.
kingslug":37hatezz said:
And if anyone thinks that the liquor laws are killing the ski industry, they haven't skied in Utah...nothing will kill it, its growing, so much so that the issue is how to accomodate it.

With the huge $'s they're spending to promote it better be. I see almost 1 Ski Utah or Ski Park city ad every commercial break (sometimes 2).
no doubt.. SLC is really saturating the LA market with ski commercials. My favorite is the one where they say something like "Utah isn't what you think".. and proceed to show a bunch of people drinking, being served booze., etc... :-D We are also getting a ton of Alberta commercials, too. Both Utah and Alberta have much more enticing commercials than the very periodic Mammoth commercials.

Now, I feel better about the authenticity of this thread thanks to Crocker and Admin sniping a little. :-)
Had a nice week in the area... although, some challenging conditions at times.

Brighton: Presidents Day... was busy, but tolerable. Snow was great, with mostly nice PP conditions. First time here. Enjoyed the terrain, but the lift structure at the base is a little weird. Drove up to Ogden for the evening and hit the hot springs before dark. Had a great dinner at the Marriott restaurant of all places.

Snowbasin: Tuesday... terrible. most lifts closed, poor vis, snow, wind, etc... bolted for the shooting star saloon for burgers and beer, then to Homestead Crater for a nice soak.. alot of fun. I have been here before and was really looking forward to showing off the terrain to the girl, but it'll have to wait til next time. Headed to PC and had another great meal at the High West Distillery.. bought a bunch of whiskey and their amazing lemonade syrup/recipe.

Park City: Wed.... freak windstorm for about 2 hrs, most lifts closed during that time.. then it let up. Snow conditions were OK, PP, a little fluff on top in places... crowds were moderate, except everyone was at the King Con lift when it was the only lift open mid-morning. P.S. I still don't like the mountain layout/terrain/lifts... but had a great time in town, as usual. Bought the lady a nice ring :shock: .. and had another amazing dinner at the Purple Sage.

Sundance: Thurs.... my first time here... extremely variable conditions.. bottom 2/3 of the mtn was pretty close to ice from the rainstorm/wet snow the night before, then it got cold and froze everything... however, the top 1/3 there were some nice PP and even powder conditions in the bowl and thru a few of the aspen grove runs at the top.. which was quite nice. The lady and I really liked the Owl Bar, Foundary Grill, and then has the best massages of our life up at the spa.. :-D I really liked the place, as people were very friendly (not snooty), service was great... and it had a very laid back, and unique vibe. The mountain has some very nice terrain, albeit nothing huge.. but the views and low skier density were great.. The bottom lift was rediculously slow and long, but I suppose that's part why the place has the vibe it does and low density traffic.

Tried to get admin to meet up for a last minute beer when we got into SLC, but couldn't persuade him to get out of his cocoon after skiing all day. Next time for sure...

Not going to post any pics since this is a skiers forum,and most of my shots are scenery and food pictures.

Thanks again for all the tips, guys... appreciate it.
snowave":39qo9yko said:
Bought the lady a nice ring :shock:


snowave":39qo9yko said:
Tried to get admin to meet up for a last minute beer when we got into SLC, but couldn't persuade him to get out of his cocoon after skiing all day. Next time for sure...

You bet. I was toast that night.