Shames Mtn Coop in Terrace BC

Okay, I'll make a exemption and go a quick, although I'm currently swamp right now.

No details and responding to specific quotes at this time.

1) Shames and MRG comparison.

I agree with most people that the two are closely related. Lucky and I are, I think, the only skiers here that have skied both areas a number of days.

I agree that soulskier's sale pitch and ill advise comments regarding MRG shouldn't be used as a rejection of Shames is viable possibility. Like I've mentioned before, you cannot compare East or West...Apples or Oranges. One is not better, just different. I'm sure on this, Tony and Soulskier are much more alike that between soul and myself. I don't want this to become a East-West thing, because I believe that was Soulskier and others are working on is important. I am totally behind soul's work and believe in Shames potential.

2) Shames and MRG: Why these are so similar?

Terrain and snow is very different. In-bound is different (not better or worst) and outbound is...there is no alpine at MRG. We do get our big powderdays at MRG, but aren't definitely not as frequent as Shames.

Where Shames and MRG are so common? Community of skiers getting together to run a ski the way they want to. The type of skiers that would tempted by a trip to Shames and are the same type as those that like MRG. No fancy HSQ and finding the goods even if it isn't on the map. Not sure what the ratio would be, but I wouldn't surprised that MRG shareholder or average MRG skier AT setup/
tele/skins ownership would be amount the highest in the East and probably higher that the ratio at places like Whistler.

Many of MRG skiers travel a lot and I would think would choose a Shames type place versus a Whistler. A number of it's skiers have traveled or lived out West, only to eventually choose to live (back) East like JSpin, Hamdog and others.

Overall, It's a culture thing and that is why I think that MRG and Shames are so related.

As Shames will be trying to do, since the MRG Coop started, it has gone an excellent marketing job with little cash and carved a niche for themselves. People in the know, what heard about MRG and it's recognized way behind it's immediate market area. With a little and smart publicity, Shames can do the same.

3) Why Shames instead of BC interior?

I understand Tony comments. The proof that some people will choose Shames over the other destinations is that Lucky Luke and myself have made our first trip to BC (minus Whistler for myself). Lucky went back for 2 year. Lucky's other partner, Pete the Pete (seen in Chic Chocs TR), has returned two years also. (Pete and my trips didn't overlap as Lucky was staying 2 full weeks). Pete has been to Red and Whitewater, however he choose to return "twice" to Terrace. Lucky sent a general email inquiring about a possible trip and return to NW BC. Skiing Shames, but also hitting Bear Pass near Stewart. I have driven that road, the only thing I can say

As the Shames is, people that like yoyoing on lifts to access powder terrain are probably not going to make Shames their #1 destination choice, however people that like Slackcountry and don't mind skinning, might.

4) From Patagonia to Terrace, why?

I read a comment about Soulskier being sold on the idea of Shames without ever skiing there. There is nothing wrong with that.Heck, I had skied Mad River Glen only TWICE went I decided to buy a share and it was way more expensive (exchange rate at all). This was before the Coop was tested and had a few years behind it. Why? Because I liked what I saw: mountain, terrain and infrastructure. No McSkiing. I believe it was the way to go and know after over 10 years, I can say that I'm really proud of what the Coop has done.

5) Storm days?

T-bar line doesn't even need to change. Deliverance Trees (official in-bound trail) are awesome. Real steep trees off to the skier left heading from top t-bar toward base as awesome terrain. There is also a bunch of mellower trees also.

6) Plane tickets

Pretty sure it wouldn't so expansive from Montreal or the East when there is a seatsale. Although I was out of luck, as the 3 (Lucky, Pete and myself) of us all bought our plane tickets with points. Lucky and I have either too many points or not many opportunity to use them. However I remember looking at the prices and they weren't so much more expansive than flying to Vancouver at that time. You just have to lookout for sales.

7) Shames and other NW attractions

Tony mentioned Last Frontier. I know that LF were at Shames on my last day because it was dumping. There was also a film crew on that day. All the skiing was in-bounds and just beyond the ropes...and it was excellent. Smithers has less snow and offer some interesting backcountry skiing as it's on the side of Hudson Bay mountain which is huge. The road from Prince Rupert to Terrace along the Skeena River is amazing. Bear Pass and Stewart BC also (this is more out of the way - but offer great terrain for those who wish to be to it).

Crap...there goes the quick response...back to work. :?
soulskier":10vqvp0l said:
Why do you think I am bullshitting? What do you think I have to gain by this movement besides a cool place to ski? I am growing increasingly tired of being looked at as a bad guy. I am trying to do something positive and forward thinking.
Don't argue numbers with Tony; you'll lose. We've had similar discussions a half gazillion times about places in the East. He knows way more about our oft-insulted region than any other westerner I've met via the internet, but his numbers-heavy analysis sometimes overlooks other important aspects.

And while Shames apparently has very impressive snow totals, I think you're best off emphasizing the "cool, soulful, non-corporate place to ski with your ilk" mantra (kinda like MRG :mrgreen:)... at least around here.
Admin":3te277e8 said:
soulskier":3te277e8 said:
The base of Shames gets 480 inches/yearly, mid mtn and above gets way more. If you compare apples to apples, Shames gets almost double the snowfall as Whistler as I understand it.

"Double" 405 is 810 inches per year. :roll:

According to Tony's site, Whistler base gets 190 a year. 190 to 480 (Shames base) is double and then some.
soulskier":1iixiv24 said:
According to Tony's site, Whistler base gets 190 a year. 190 to 480 (Shames base) is double and then some.

Unless you're a nordic skier or have bald summer tires, base area snowfall doesn't mean squat. What matters is where you're skiing.
soulskier":2z24af9c said:
Why do you think I am bullshitting? What do you think I have to gain by this movement besides a cool place to ski? I am growing increasingly tired of being looked at as a bad guy. I am trying to do something positive and forward thinking.
I shouldn't have to spell this stuff out, but here goes:
1) Most of Whistler's terrain is up high. The base is 4,000 feet lower. Whistler's base is also low enough that some of the snow up high is rain down there. Actual precipitation difference might be a lot less than 2 to 1. Other areas with 2-1 snowfall differences like Squaw Valley (soulskier may be generalizing experience here) and Park City have a peak on/near the spine of a mountain range with the base on the drier leeward side a few miles away. Shames lift service terrain appears to be uniformly distributed within its 1,600 vertical elevation range in a more compact geographic area. Top to base snowfall differences at areas like this (Alta for example) tend to be in the 10-20% range.
2) Once anybody's snowfall claims get up to 400+ I want verification. At 500 it takes a freak microclimate and I'd like to see a lot of documentation and a reasonable metorological explanation. I'm actually not that suspicious of the 480 claim for Shames as I've heard similar quotes from others who have been there. But please don't :bs: us by claiming it's some ridiculous number like 800 a couple thousand feet up without some documentation to back it up.
3) Earlier in this thread we had an example of admin :troll: falling for a 600 inch claim at Kicking Horse. I just got through analyzing Revelstoke's similar claim for a feature admin will hopefully be publishing here within the next month. As I've said before the number of ski areas in the world that get 600 inches stands at one, Mt. Baker, with only Niseko within shouting distance. Both of those places have VERY unusual topographic/meteorological phenomena contributing to their unique microclimates.

I read a comment about Soulskier being sold on the idea of Shames without ever skiing there. There is nothing wrong with that.
I get the impression he hasn't skied many of the interior B.C. places that would be the alternatives to his target destination skiers either. His arguments would be more informed if he had. As the resident number-cruncher here, I always remind people that there is no substitute for personal experience. I just listed my Canadian experience here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8250

The proof that some people will choose Shames over the other destinations is that Lucky Luke and myself have made our first trip to BC (minus Whistler for myself). Lucky went back for 2 year. Lucky's other partner, Pete the Pete (seen in Chic Chocs TR), has returned two years also. (Pete and my trips didn't overlap as Lucky was staying 2 full weeks). Pete has been to Red and Whitewater, however he choose to return "twice" to Terrace
Interesting observation. I'd be very interested in Pete's reasoning.

I respectfully submit that you are now crossing the line and personally attacking me.
Not at all. I'd like to see the coop work too. I've even commented on some of the positives, like the $500 price attracting some impulse buyers, maybe even enough to retire the debt so Shames can continue indefinitely in its current configuration. But don't tell us us that a
Community of skiers getting together to run a ski the way they want to.
is going give us big-mountain skiing a la Whistler or the Chugach.

Having that type of skiing accessible by hike is not that unique. MarcC shows us Wolverine Cirque.
I've mentioned Ymir above Whitewater:

Then there's the whole Glacier National Park surrounding Rogers Pass that also gets 500 verified inches per season. I'm sure others can add to the list. Luke and Pete should check out some of these places.
Tony Crocker":3esk00by said:
MarcC shows us Wolverine Cirque.
Actually that was socal - credit where credit is due - but I fully agree: it would be egregiously incorrect to call that a part of Alta, although reasonably reachable from Alta.
Marc_C":1t6nyjsw said:
Tony Crocker":1t6nyjsw said:
MarcC shows us Wolverine Cirque.
Actually that was socal - credit where credit is due - but I fully agree: it would be egregiously incorrect to call that a part of Alta, although reasonably reachable from Alta.

Thanks, just thought the whole idea of comparing Shames terrain that's not lift serviced to other western mountains lift serviced didn't make sense since lots of western resorts have pretty serious terrain that lies outside the boundaries and isn't lift served.
Admin":2b3vrmbw said:
Somebody's asleep at the switch -- try publishing here within the past month:

Make that more than one of us :oops: But then Oct is far and away my busiest month of the year at work (Jan is 2nd). Crazy-busy period finally ended for me yesterday though (still busy, just not crazy).

Thus I've missed most of this thread as I was too overwhelmed to detail read that many pages. From some of the glancing I've done I'd think Shames sounds in some respects like Silverton, but with no significant towns anywhere nearby. Very difficult to get to, but with great terrain. And perhaps sustainable, but not likely to ever be much more than minimal for it's infrastructure. I'd outline several of my thoughts on why, but a lot of it has been covered. So I guess at this point I'm just piling on.
Admin":32oc0r2d said:
Tony Crocker":32oc0r2d said:
I just got through analyzing Revelstoke's similar claim for a feature admin will hopefully be publishing here within the next month.
Somebody's asleep at the switch -- try publishing here within the past month: ... ort-Guide/
I've respectfully submitted a suggestion that each new feature article should get its own thread in the appropriate forum. I also wasn't aware that Tony's Revelstoke piece had been posted. FTO has too many rabbit warrens. 8-[
Rabbit warrens? That was front page when it published. Some of you just never leave the forums.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
I will be disappearing for awhile as we begin to work on a solid business plan. Thank you all for your excellent feedback and critique thus far.
Somewhat predictably, this has now turned into a full on junk show. Apparently there has been a schism in the movement to buy Shames, with a new group called Friends of Shames splitting off from soulskier's Shames Mtn Co-op. From what I can see on the outside, I'd much rather toss my lot in with FoS, as their first order of business is to determine the appropriate/optimal entity to make the purchase (co-op vs. non-profit for for-profit corp vs. other) before moving on to resolve the next series of issues. SMC appears to be focused solely on the Co-op route without having done sufficient research and features a bit more pie-in-the-sky rhetoric about the "global skiing collective" than I could get comfortable with.
Mike Bernstein":28dqi6tb said:
SMC appears to be focused solely on the Co-op route without having done sufficient research and features a bit more pie-in-the-sky rhetoric about the "global skiing collective"...
There's a short piece in the current Skiing Magazine that discusses the interest in co-op run ski areas, focusing on MRG, Magic, and Shame's.
In a table it mentions that Magic had 16,500 skier visits last year compared to 25000 for Shames, but in the Likelihood of Success column for Magic they state: "At least they have a plan" while Shame's is considered "...a long shot."

The article also mentions that a Californian living in Argentina who never saw the place is the one pushing for a co-op after getting positive responses from two [Shame's] locals. I agree with Mike - there appears to be a dearth of actual research regarding the viability of Shame's as a co-op.
Slightly related... kinda dumb question. Do ski areas count season passholders as a "skier visit" every day they frequent the mountain? And if so, how do the ones that check passes the old-fashioned way (visually) get accurate numbers as opposed to those that scan electronically?
jamesdeluxe":5mdq79gv said:
Do ski areas count season passholders as a "skier visit" every day they frequent the mountain? And if so, how do the ones that check passes the old-fashioned way (visually) get accurate numbers as opposed to those that scan electronically?

Yes and I don't know, but they probably just guesstimate.

Specifically a 'skier day' is any part of a day where a snow rider participates at the mtn. So, if you do one run and call it quits it is still a 'skier day'. Or if you are out there all day from open to close it's still just one 'skier day'. For that matter it could be a comp ticket, you'd still be a skier day in their reporting - nothing about paying to be counted. Though I assume staff on-the job days don't count (patrol, instructors, etc..).

I'd be willing to bet there is enough variation in the way different resorts report that you could find some decent 'errors' in interpretation/reporting among especially the smaller players (at least significant % errors for the small guys, that probably don't add up to much volume in absolute national numbers).
Marc_C":3hz72zyc said:
Mike Bernstein":3hz72zyc said:
SMC appears to be focused solely on the Co-op route without having done sufficient research and features a bit more pie-in-the-sky rhetoric about the "global skiing collective"...
The article also mentions that a Californian living in Argentina who never saw the place is the one pushing for a co-op after getting positive responses from two [Shame's] locals. I agree with Mike - there appears to be a dearth of actual research regarding the viability of Shame's as a co-op.

That individual is our own soulskier.
Marc_C":3vu4rrtn said:
The article also mentions that a Californian living in Argentina who never saw the place is the one pushing for a co-op after getting positive responses from two [Shame's] locals. I agree with Mike - there appears to be a dearth of actual research regarding the viability of Shame's as a co-op.

I can confirm that the word Co-op and Shames has been mentioned long before soulskier ever heard about the place. Soulskier has taken the ball and ran with the idea, spearheading the idea outside the local community.

Mike Bernstein":3vu4rrtn said:
Somewhat predictably, this has now turned into a full on junk show. Apparently there has been a schism in the movement to buy Shames, with a new group called Friends of Shames splitting off from soulskier's Shames Mtn Co-op. From what I can see on the outside, I'd much rather toss my lot in with FoS, as their first order of business is to determine the appropriate/optimal entity to make the purchase (co-op vs. non-profit for for-profit corp vs. other) before moving on to resolve the next series of issues. SMC appears to be focused solely on the Co-op route without having done sufficient research and features a bit more pie-in-the-sky rhetoric about the "global skiing collective" than I could get comfortable with.

Some people have issues with FoS also, not taking about myself or soul, but some locals. I would say the more, the better.