Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival Photo Competition
In the last couple of years I've posted some Scottish ski photos on the forum and two of the more recent photos from last Spring have made it through to the final 12 in this year's Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival Photo Competition.
The voting/judging this year is a bit different to normal.....Facebook is required!
Excerpt from the EMFF email.
"We do need your help, however, to pick a winner for our photography competitions! The short-listed photographs from each category are now available to view on our Facebook page. To vote, you just need to 'like' your favourite photos. You can like as many photos as you wish, and the photo in each category with the most likes will win the competitions!"
I don't want to influence anyone's final choice too much

as there are another 10 great photos to chose from but if you are on Facebook and interested in voting, then:
Click on the Links below each photo and register your vote by 'Liking' your favs.
Voting is very close at the moment so every vote would be greatly appreciated
The winning photos will be announced at the closing session of the EMFF on
Sunday 28 October."
^gavincarruthers dropping in on the Coire an Lochain cliffs, Nevis Range 28th April 2012
Click Here To Vote
^Dave A entering Gully No 3, Ben Nevis 24th March 2012
Click Here To Vote