Utah Day 8: Alta 1/31/09


New member
Feeling a little worn, I decided a Red Bull would be an ideal breakfast beverage.

We met up with Admin, Marc_C, Skidog, Tele-Jon, Pat and Mira. Paul came in from Jackson, and it was Pam's last day to ski.

It was cold and sunny. The off-piste was chunky and hard in places, though we did manage to find some soft snow and even a few untracked patches over in the Wildcat area. We did 2 runs in there, but then decided to move on, so we cruised a few groomers while waiting for the sun to soften surfaces. I have never skied so many groomers at Alta, and I gotta say, they were in excellent shape. It was nice to cruise.

After lunch we went over to Eagle's nest. This was very nice. The north-facing slopes were dry and chalky and provided some good skiing. There were a lot of bumps and I began to warm up, so I dropped a layer mid-run. We hopped on Collins only to get stuck on it for over 50 minutes due to technical problems. I was on the lift with Pat, Amy and Marc_C. We swapped stories to pass the time. We were happy to be in the sun, but the lift lurched forward every few minutes and eventually into the shade. I put my layer back on over my jacket. It was breezy and cool, and we were just sitting there and our legs were falling asleep due to the lack of safety bar/foot rests.

The got the lift going on the diesel back-up and we slowly made our way to the top. It took me 3 tries to stand up. We shook our legs around for a while and decided it would be too long a wait for the rest of the group, so we headed over to backside. The snow was dry and chalky and the skiing very good. We dropped down to the Sugarloaf lift and did a few laps on Chartruese Nose. This was the best snow of the day. We eventually caught up with Admin and Mira, though Pat and Marc_C were ending their day. We did a couple more runs on Chartruese Nose and another on Backside. They kept the lift open until 5pm to make up for the Collins issue, so we skied until the end.

Having the new fresh energy of Mira in our group really helped propel us into those extra runs at the end of the day. Admin was whining a bit, but he didn't want to be called a pussy for going in before the lifts stop turning. He could not possibly be outskied by a couple of women. He held tough.

We all re-convened at a wonderful Thai restaurant to celebrate Admin's birthday. There were 16 people and we ate a lot of food and drank a lot of wine. It was a great day with fun people.

Just dropped Pam off at the airport. I'm down to my last 5 days. Still skiing strong. Today, Snowbird.
Sharon":8hkadv7w said:
Feeling a little worn, I decided a Red Bull would be an ideal breakfast beverage.

Sharon":8hkadv7w said:
I'm down to my last 5 days. Still skiing strong. Today, Snowbird.

Don't give up now!!! I mean if you want to shop, we understand, but you can go all the way to the end!!!
Sorry about the lack of pix. I don't have a computer and the ability to download my photos until I get home or until Admin takes them from me and posts them.
I'll post my photos.

Sharon did a great job summarizing the day. I'll add just a couple of details. For one, Mira arrived late at the airport in NYC due to a hangup with another one in their group, and had to make a mad dash for the plane without her luggage. Although she had most of her stuff in a carry-on, she lacked skis and ski pants. I dug deep into the gear closet to come up with pants that fit, and essentially the same pair of Volkls that she owns herself.

Her enthusiasm for Utah skiing is infectious, with a big smile broken only by repeated statements of, "I love Utah!" (You have to envision that spoken with the voice of Natasha Fatale, Boris Badenov's sidekick from the Bullwinkle cartoons.)


Also, Tele Jon broke a binding before even boarding the first lift ride and called it a day. During the time that Sharon, et al. headed over to Sugarloaf, Skidog, Mira and I took a trip out to Thirds, figuring that a short hike was in order to get the blood back in our legs (it was surprisingly uncomfortable sitting on that lift for what was for us over an hour). Thirds was fabulous with steep, loose chalky snow.

It was somewhat ethereal to be standing atop Alta at 5 p.m. Most folks had left by that point, save for the "Free After 3" crowd on Sunnyside, and Germania Pass was eerily quiet with Collins not spinning. Staring at the alpenglow bathing the peaks of Little Cottonwood Canyon is something that I'll remember for a long, long time.

And thank you everyone for dinner Saturday night. That was truly touching! And kudos to Amy for arranging everything! Fun times absorbing all the cross-cultural issues of having a table 50% filled with Serbs, Yugoslavs, etc. Something screwy happened with my camera at dinner so I have no decent photographic mementos to share. Most of us shuffled on over to Salt Lake Roasting after dinner for coffee and dessert, too, before I had to run to the airport to pick up Mrs. Admin.









Tony Crocker":4at50e3j said:
That's 2 snafus on the Collins lift in just over a week, isn't it?
Yep. Last weekend some folks sat on Collins for over 90 minutes - in much colder temps, with fog, strong snow, and significant wind.
I don't know for certain, but last Sunday was plagued with power failures and surges. When I was waiting at the base of Supreme, there was a loud bang that sounded exactly like a transformer blowing, just as Supreme went down and the backup generator started. Control circuitry on Collins could easily have been affected. Yesterday, Collins was behaving exactly as if a finicky sensor was refusing to reset.
Patrol that came down the line as we were waiting said that it was a power-related issue.
Admin":xohg50bz said:
Patrol that came down the line as we were waiting said that it was a power-related issue.
Yet a patroller told us it was "electrical problems", which can mean a wealth of things.
So the next step is obvious: Marc, use your vast network of contacts to get us the real, detailed story!
Marc_C":1gg6lrx3 said:
Admin":1gg6lrx3 said:
Patrol that came down the line as we were waiting said that it was a power-related issue.
Yet a patroller told us it was "electrical problems", which can mean a wealth of things.

I was paraphrasing. Now that you mention it I think that she said "electrical problems" to us, too. I went through unofficial channels on Saturday, and those unofficial channels didn't know the whole story.