waterville valley , Nh, 1-3 / 1-4


New member
sorry this is so late. on hd's advice, hit WV... hd's info was spot on as the short course on tyler too was taken down and replace with a comp course of 8 , 12 and 17 bump sections. it went in on monday and was in surprisingly good shape considering it's all man made snow. the top section was a challenge for sure. the bottom third was sick. perfect , tight even left rights :P . rock hard ice bumps for sure , but great to work on. the WV team showed up about 1 on both days so we had it to ourselves in the am on both days. can't give it up enough to the WV coaches . very friendly and had no problem with us skiing it . they were working on the jumps. late update from jsul 185 has loon with just laid in bumps on lower flume and guns going on lower rum.. sul says they need to be skied in.. good timing for sure and the weekenders should have it done by monday. elsewhere on wv on both days, lots of hardpacked icy flats all over. cold, about 15 , but no wind. makes it all tolerable... the main park is up and looks like it has some nice jumps and rails with at least 2 30 foot tables. pipe does not look close.. back on monday for hopefully a 3 dayer. probably from loon and WV
Hi Joe,

...and we had a great contest on that same Tyler bump course this past weekend (7th, 8th). Over 100 young competitors competed in bumps and big air this weekend. Waterville was the high-scoring team, and our athletes captured both boys and girls overall titles for the weekend. The most interesting result: an 11-year-old girl (from WV) beat everyone in the bump contest, including several 14 year old boys.

The top few bumps on the Tyler course were groomed out Saturday night, but the course remains otherwise in tact. And we should be seeing an A-level course on True Grit pretty soon, as there'll be an ECS meet there in two weeks.
