socal":sl3p9mcp said:Should I read into your post as meaning I'll find winter snow on just about all aspects above say 8k ft?
I didn't say that -- I haven't been up in 2 days so I can't say for sure from first-hand experience. However, I'd expect north-facing above, say, 8500 feet to be fine. Today's forecast for Alta, for example, called for temps ranging from 23-28ºF. That's not spring. And remember, too, that the sun right now is as weak as it gets all year.
socal":sl3p9mcp said:How do you think Mineral Basin will be?
First to soften, if anything does -- most of it faces south, SE or SW.
socal":sl3p9mcp said:Never had a good run in there, but had some really bad ones that leave you wondering why you dropped in after one turn.
Aaah, that nasty refrozen coral reef. That's where local knowledge comes into play. For nearly every aspect there's a time and place where the sun has nicely resoftened again, but you have to hit it at its magic window and know when and where that magic window will occur. A change of 5 degrees in aspect can mean a quantum change in snow surface.
Also, few realize that the Sunday Cliffs in Mineral Basin actually face NNE.