Australia and NZ 2024


Well-known member
The first snowfall has happened in both countries. Still a while until some sticks though.
I'm equipped with a Mountain Collective pass that gives me some days at Remarkables and Coronet Peak near Queenstown on the south island of New Zealand and a couple of days at Mt Buller in Victoria Australia. The best time for me to ski is after football season finishes in the last week of August so it will likely be spring conditions. I may yet forget the MC days and go to Mt Ruapehu on the north island of NZ.

Don't suppose anyone on this board is heading south over your summer? @Patrick
We are at very high end parks in Namibia and Botswana in June. We are more on our own in South Africa July 1-9.
We are at very high end parks in Namibia and Botswana in June. We are more on our own in South Africa July 1-9.
If there is snow at Tiffindell will you burn a day? Africa on your hill list would be cool.

Edit. Kinda related. I have recently been telling myself to be less one dimensional and do more holidays that don’t involve snow. But those powder days in France last month have put an end to those thoughts.
With limited holiday time each year I’m picking most of it will be to countries with mountains. The other travel can wait until I’m retired.
Tiffendell closed during COVID and has not reopened. We hope to get to Afriski in Lesotho, which was not open last year but says they will be this year. Afriski is a 5 hour drive from Johannesburg on mostly decent roads. Tiffindell is 7 hours from Durban or 9 from Johannesburg on more difficult roads according to Jimmy Petterson.
The first snowfall has happened in both countries. Still a while until some sticks though.
I'm equipped with a Mountain Collective pass that gives me some days at Remarkables and Coronet Peak near Queenstown on the south island of New Zealand and a couple of days at Mt Buller in Victoria Australia. The best time for me to ski is after football season finishes in the last week of August so it will likely be spring conditions. I may yet forget the MC days and go to Mt Ruapehu on the north island of NZ.

Don't suppose anyone on this board is heading south over your summer? @Patrick
I got the Ikon for next season, so there is a Southern Hemisphere option that can't be ruled out. The calendar is pretty filled up with concerts and one wedding all in August (2, 10, 31), but it would be a short trip. New Zealand was a vague idea last Summer prior to my elbow dislocation.

edit: regarding Australia, although I have an Ikon, I would definitely return to Hotham clearly my favorite Australian ski area.
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If you're so inclined -- book by tomorrow for travel starting July 1.
Only to Australia, not to New Zealand.:( Even though Air New Zealand is a United partner, the United website routes NZ searches through Sydney and doesn't allow the mileage deals.
Only to Australia, not to New Zealand.:( Even though Air New Zealand is a United partner, the United website routes NZ searches through Sydney and doesn't allow the mileage deals.
And the flights from Australia to New Zealand are comparatively expensive given it’s only a three hour flight.
It’s been generally cold enough here and ‘across the ditch’ but precipitation has been lacking. Some snow in the near forecast though.
And the flights from Australia to New Zealand are comparatively expensive given it’s only a three hour flight.
Flew on Qantas in 2018 to Australia. Flights from Canada via Australia aren't that much. That being said, many uncertainties on my own plans for August turns.
Tiffendell closed during COVID and has not reopened. We hope to get to Afriski in Lesotho
Tiffendell = correct. Afriski looks like in full swing now. Mind you, Lesotho looks like a very dry high plateau, so with all artificial snow. There is also an private snowfield closer to Cape Town.
I’ve had email discussions with Jimmy Petterson and his Cape Town contact with whom he skied Afriski and Tiffendell. Cape Town mtns are not max quite 7,000 feet and thus are skiable once in a blue moon. Thus strictly earned turns.

As for Patrick, if he goes south in 2024 surely it will be to South America with what we know now about snow.
As for Patrick, if he goes south in 2024 surely it will be to South America with what we know now about snow.

Doubtful. He will be at a Midnight Oil concert in Sydney, skiing on White Ribbons of Death in Australia between the Eucalyptus. :D :)