Deer Valley, UT 3/15/2015

Harvey, I obviously knew that they weren't using a cat to seed them (there are other ways), but you still suckered me in. Well played!

baldyskier":pyv0xarx said:
BTW, how do bump skiers' knees hold up after years of skiing the bumps? Seems like it would takes its toll...

As Warren Miller once said, our knees only have a finite number of turns in them, so why waste any on bumps?
jamesdeluxe":2o89y4nw said:
Tony and Marc C -- feel free to craft an extensive apology for all the bollox you posted earlier.
I'm sorry that you had to ski in the east and I'm sorry you went at the wrong time.
Marc_C":3h4l14fh said:
jamesdeluxe":3h4l14fh said:
Tony and Marc C -- feel free to craft an extensive apology for all the bollox you posted earlier.
I'm sorry that you had to ski in the east and I'm sorry you went at the wrong time.
The Slides are REALLY well managed IMO. Aaron is the relatively new, young GM. He really wants to open that terrain when he can.

The shot below was taken near the bottom of the Slides, where you could see a little. At the top of Slides there was thick fog and it was snowing. It would have been hard to criticize if he didn't open them. Props I say.


Slide 2 on Saturday

In my fantasy I wasn't even thinking about using a groomer for bumps. I guess I've seen the results of that kind of seeding at Gore. I was just trying to concoct the most ridiculous thing I could think of. IMO you'd have to destroy the Slides just to get a groomer out there.

The only bump building I ever saw, was a late season (thin cover) bump run that we built at Plattekill for the first bump contest. It was done with shovels. It was maybe 4 or 5 lines wide 20 to 30 bumps long. That's all you need for the contest. Or actually it's all we needed.

The fun fact about the 1st bump contest is that it was won by an Alta local, NY's very own tBatt:


He won a Platte season's pass that he never used.

One thing to clear up... who are the eastern bump afficionados who are being referenced? Among the EC "regulars" here. Me (no), James 9 (no), Jason (no), X (no) Geoff? Jspin? Kingslug? Who else? I know Patrick can really ski bumps, but I wouldn't call him a bumper. All of us can "ski the bumps" and like it when it's soft but most of us just want a great year with as much soft snow as possible.

With regard to the Northeast and NoVT. All of this info is consistent. The Northeast (minus NoVT) had a much better than average year because of excellent preservation of below average snow totals. Northern Vermont was of course significantly better than that. But not as much better than usual. Southern stormtracks are not the norm. Long periods without meltdown are more normal up there.

PLUS if you follow a meltdown with 8-12" which happens in VT much more often, it hardly hurts at all.

I need three more days to hit 36 which would be a record. With K looking fat right now on Superstar maybe I'll get more. I had maybe 5-6 days that I would call off the hook, including 2/2/15 at Gore which may be my best day ever. As a NY skier, with a full time job and family hundreds of miles from the mountains, this is a good year for me.

This thread is like the ECRC of FTO! =D>
Marc_C":38no8co5 said:
I'm sorry that you had to ski in the east and I'm sorry you went at the wrong time.
... and those were the comedic stylings of The Snipe: no actual skiing, just sniping.

jamesdeluxe":371gr3wk said:
... and those were the comedic stylings of The Snipe: no actual skiing, just sniping.
I'm still curious how you and BobMc think you know which days I ski.
Marc_C":21kp4462 said:
I'm still curious how you and BobMc think you know which days I ski.
Bob is the SLC-region license holder of SnipeWatch™, a proprietary search-and-track software solution.
Marc_C":1crhrg14 said:
jamesdeluxe":1crhrg14 said:
... and those were the comedic stylings of The Snipe: no actual skiing, just sniping.
I'm still curious how you and BobMc think you know which days I ski.

It's a ski forum you regularly post on, never about skiing? Seems reasonable to assume you don't ski much or you'd post about it, since, again you post regularly on a ski forum.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
jamesdeluxe":13bukq2a said:
Marc_C":13bukq2a said:
I'm still curious how you and BobMc think you know which days I ski.
Bob is the SLC-region license holder of SnipeWatch™, a proprietary search-and-track software solution.
I told you guys you were stalkers!!!!
Marc_C":3iysc2sg said:
jamesdeluxe":3iysc2sg said:
Marc_C":3iysc2sg said:
I'm still curious how you and BobMc think you know which days I ski.
Bob is the SLC-region license holder of SnipeWatch™, a proprietary search-and-track software solution.
I told you guys you were stalkers!!!!

No, it's more like this.

"It's a ski forum you regularly post on, never about skiing? Seems reasonable to assume you don't ski much or you'd post about it, since, again you post regularly on a ski forum."

Like I said, you post ABOUT skiing quite a bit, but you never seem to post about GOING skiing. It's pretty obvious and I doubt (as evidenced by the post I quoted above) other people haven't noticed it. I could be wrong though, perhaps you're a sneaky skier and just don't want everyone to know how much you go?
BobMc":1pfttpop said:
perhaps you're a sneaky skier and just don't want everyone to know how much you go?
Something like that. MarcC does not seem to ski much with admin & company even though they are friends. He was with them the morning of March 14. Liz and I met the group at lunch, even rode a lift with MarcC and discussed the Utah avalanche report. But he did not ski with admin's group that afternoon. I have seen MarcC at Goldminer's a couple of times but the last time I skied with him was in 2009.

I ski 10-15 days in Utah per season, only about 1/3 of those at Alta, perhaps not a sufficient sample size to draw any further conclusions.
BobMc":18cazbx4 said:
"It's a ski forum you regularly post on, never about skiing? Seems reasonable to assume you don't ski much or you'd post about it, since, again you post regularly on a ski forum."

Like I said, you post ABOUT skiing quite a bit, but you never seem to post about GOING skiing.
Posting about going skiing just doesn't interest me that much. In the past 15 years I think I may have posted maybe as many as 5 TRs.
J.Spin":3qoxnfqp said:
Look at the current season snow totals for Bolton, Stowe, and Smugg’s. It’s the end of March - they’re going to need 100+ inches in the next two to three weeks to get to any sort of numbers worthy of note (...) The only thing this season really had going for it was the snow preservation, and despite everyone touting how great it was, the increase was far more marginal than people make it out to be.

Observations by Jason, Harv, and me (on page 2 of this thread) apparently don't carry the gravitas of JSpin, but it's good to see Tony coming to terms with the inaccuracy of his "Northeast is 97% of average snowfall" claim:
Tony Crocker":3qoxnfqp said:
as JSpin points out, the eastern ski areas are below average in snowfall even though it's been unusually cold.
... to say nothing of his comment that we should have been driving 6+ hours to northern VT most of the winter, also shown by JSpin to be off base.