Question about Spring Aspects and Corn

Marc_C":1a4rmon7 said:
Evren":1a4rmon7 said:
Can't we all just be friends? Please?
Slagging and barroom banter is part of the deal when you get an FTO forum account!

Dude, I know. And you seem to relish it more than anyone. Yesterday was a good day so I thought I'd hand you a gimme. But if you're gonna do victory laps over it...

And overall, each of the 10 resorts in the area has something different to offer; this plus varied preferences mean they all stay in business. And thank god for that. But if anyone wants to claim that Wasatch back is an inferior experience or "for the tourists" -- shorthand for inferior... we can play message-board-hero all day long and bore everyone else.
Evren":3le2us9i said:
Marc_C":3le2us9i said:
Evren":3le2us9i said:
Can't we all just be friends? Please?
Slagging and barroom banter is part of the deal when you get an FTO forum account!

Dude, I know. And you seem to relish it more than anyone. Yesterday was a good day so I thought I'd hand you a gimme. But if you're gonna do victory laps over it...
Obviously you've never seen/heard Admin when he's at the top of his game. And when Crocker is in town, it makes the rest of us seem like we're handing out chocolates and roses.
You got off light, buddy!

But if it still hurts, you can use this:
:-) Okay that was pretty funny.
Let's leave it to the great arbiter in the sky as to who if anyone got butthurt.
Being serious for a moment: I do enjoy sparring with you back-and-forth. I will, however, submit the following for your consideration:
You seem disinclined to concede a point, like, ever. And that takes away from the enjoyment. My earlier post was a test of sorts. You'll almost never get anyone on the intertubes to say "I give up... can we be friends? please?" and instead of cherishing that trophy, you had to make a remark along the lines of "Yeah baby, this is how the game is played" (at least, that is how I read it). That tells me you never let go.
Secondly, you seem to be all about the sparring. Admin and Tony spar but that's usually a sidebar.
Anyhoo, I won't change a grown man and there's room in a message board for all sorts. So, see you at the next :sabre fight:
PS Now that I think about it, you did make a positive comment to one of my posts recently. And it was appreciated.

You just need to ask yourself: who played the part of Marc_c in the movie? Was it Jack Lemmon or Walter Matthau.
EMSC":1qhyx6mz said:

You just need to ask yourself: who played the part of Marc_c in the movie? Was it Jack Lemmon or Walter Matthau.

lol. Maybe FTO Liftlines forums are turning into "Curmudgeon's Corner".
baldyskier":34hd64jj said:
EMSC":34hd64jj said:

You just need to ask yourself: who played the part of Marc_c in the movie? Was it Jack Lemmon or Walter Matthau.

lol. Maybe FTO Liftlines forums are turning into "Curmudgeon's Corner".

Maybe???? :-) I've spent more than a great deal of time with admin, tony, and Marc_c and boy not a one of them will back down from an argument, not that I'm much different I just keep my" attitude" to different forums that shall remain nameless ;-)

On topic though pretty much all if not all... Ok ALL of what admin and Marc_c said is 100% spot on. :-D

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I'll always concede facts if I'm wrong. I'll also vigorously challenge factually incorrect statements. Opinions otoh......

But the best advice for anyone on any net forum is to just........HARDEN THE FUCK UP!
[Potentially NSFW due to language]
Holy crap what did I start? :bow:

Well, after all your insight into the history, etymology, formation, politics, geophysics, religion, and identification of corn I do believe we found some at Alta yesterday Monday 4/9. Things froze up really solid after the afternoon warmth of Sunday. But, right around noon time as the daytime heating rapidly softened the snow I believe we skied some corn right underneath the Sugarloaf lift on (I think) a run named Extrovert.

The snow felt almost like sand, in the sense that it seemed to be lots of very tiny granules that were easily pushed around as you slid through them, but were not in the least bit sticky or slushy. It was a really neat experience and extremely enjoyable to ski in. Turns were quite effortless.

So, just like porn, we all have differing opinions on its definition, but now I know it when I see it.
Marc_C":1ea4g48f said:
I'll always concede facts if I'm wrong. I'll also vigorously challenge factually incorrect statements. Opinions otoh......

But the best advice for anyone on any net forum is to just........HARDEN THE [censored] UP!
[Potentially NSFW due to language]

A different take on things, from a site encouraging men to be men (point 4 has a funny cartoon on the subject at hand): ... ty-online/
baldyskier":2h61u18t said:
A different take on things
+1 & amen to that.
Couple of comments: I find "3. Use your real name" to be very helpful. Anonymity on the Internet can often be deceiving -- all it takes is a dedicated/smart person and some time. We don't realize how many clues are left in usernames and posts over a long time on various sites where one has lowered his guard temporarily or selectively. "6. Say something positive" can be trying (except on facebook :wink: ) -- it feels insubstantial, compared to a scathing repartee. But hearing an appreciative tone is a big deal when one has spent a large chunk of procrastination-time on writing something like a TR here.

... not that anything on this board rises to even close to the stuff I've seen elsewhere. King of the Swamp Castle in Holy Grail said it best:
"Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who."
This is hilarious! I find it so funny that these little explosive arguments break out on this forum all the time. The funniest part is when I actually met those members with whom I've gotten into it. These nameless "pr!Ck$" became really nice people and I totally regretted the obnoxious tenor I put forward on the internets. It's so funny how humanity gets thrown out the window when you can't see a face.
AndreB":2a1245iu said:
The snow felt almost like sand, in the sense that it seemed to be lots of very tiny granules that were easily pushed around as you slid through them, but were not in the least bit sticky or slushy.
Sounds more like sugar than corn.
jamesdeluxe":1jxcoses said:
Sounds more like sugar than corn.
... and we start all over again ](*,)
rfarren":1jxcoses said:
how humanity gets thrown out the window when you can't see a face
I think it also has something to do with saving face. Any slights seem like public dress-downs, thus the unwillingness to kiss and make-up :drool: