The world has not warmed for at least the past decade, even though man's CO2 emissions have grown 30% since the year 2000, and that's almost 30% of all the emissions we ever created. One this I can absolutely assure anyone of is that there is going to be nothing whatsoever done in any event to slow the growth of man's CO2 production. It isn't going to happen for a long, long time until the poor countries catch up, and that is a very long way off.
Just yesterday the new IPCC ( the UN group of the "worlds best climate scientists") draft was leaked. That draft contains an interesting chart graphing the measured temperatures (cough cough, adjusted and tortured!, always up, but that's neither here not there) against the prior model predictions.
http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress. ... ls_obs.png
article found here. ... us-a-poll/
Their chart confirms there has been no warming for 10 years, and temperatures this year are the same they were in 1997. (2012 doesn't appear on that graph, but they will likely turn out about the same as 2011).
The oceans control the air temperature. Almost all the heat in our planet is stored in the oceans. The atmosphere temperature is hardly a factor in the overall temperature of this planet. The currents of the oceans move in periodic oscillations which move colder and warmer around. When that cold water comes to the surface it brings the air temperature down, when it comes up it bring the air temperature up. The most important of these ocean cylces is the El Nino/La Nina affect in the Pacific ocean, because this is such an enormous and deep body of water. It's oscillations affect temperature IN A VERY DRAMATIC and MEASURABLE FASHION. All the climate scientists on both side accept that fact. It is very evident in the temperature records.
Go here and scroll down to Anomalies for Global Air Temperatures and Sea Surface Temperatures. The Red/Blue graph.
You can see how they are basically in step.
Then look at one of the temperature data sets graphs since 1900, HADCrut. (they are not skeptics, but alarmists, that was where the Climate Gate emails were leaked from) ... 00/mean:12
Almost all those sharp ups or downs are caused by El Nino's or La Nina's - however, volcanoes also drastically but temporarily(for a few years) affect the global temperature by making it dramatically cooler for a few years. This happened in the early 1990's. (twice I am pretty sure)
Then so you can see a trendline, look at NASA's graph of the El Nino index (ENSO they call it). In 1975 "scientists" warned us of the coming Ice Age and blamed all kind of weather events on the global cooling.
Here is a video by a famous climate scientist, Stephen Schneider on a PBS program talking about the situation in 1975.
He wrote papers at that time warning the world of global cooling, but he was just "practicing" his fear-mongering. He quickly switched to a warmer position when the climate dramatically switch to a warming mode in the mid 1970's. Right at the peak of the dire predictions.
The NY Times, whose article regarding future decrease in snowfall affecting our sport, is the paper of "record" for many.
Luckily we have then educate and guide us for 150 years regarding the state of the climate and our future weather.
Of course, they always have "experts" to rely on, and although the experts have turned out to be wrong in the past, many think they finally go IT RIGHT!
But back to the NOAA chart. What you will see is that from 1950 through 1975 the cold La Nina dominated. World temperatures were varied but generally stable during that time period. But there were many bad winters which were likely caused by La Nina. In about 1977 the ocean cycles switched, for reasons unknown to anyone, to more frequent El Nino's. That cycle dominated from 1977 to 1998. Also, during that time there were two super El Nino's, in 1998 and and about 1983. As always they caused the world to dramatically warm for a short period of time, a year or so. These two super El Nino's gave our climate crooks great opportunity to point out the temporarily increased global temperatures and focus the attention of the world on man's possible, which they posed as certain definitive consensus scientific knowledge, affect on climate.
Associated with the El Nino is the Pacific Decadel Oscillation which also abruptly shifted from a negative phase to a positive phase in about 1975. The PDO particularly affects the climate in the NW US along the coast to Alaska. This change in ocean climate abruptly and dramatically increased the temp in Alaska.
That effect is clearly shown in the Alaska temp records. ... hange.html
Of course, that dramatic Alaskan warming was widely publicized on TV shows (science shows! ha ha) and news articles, with many scientists attributing it to mans influence on climate. But a funny thing has happened. Since the ocean works in mysterious but cyclic patterns, the PDO is now shifting to a negative phase (which means the currents are flowing a different way) and the past 5 years Alaskan temp has gradually decreased, however the recent PDO switch to a negative is not nearly as dramatic as the positive switch was about 1975. Alaskan is having a VERY VERY VERY cold early winter, but I have yet to see one news article pointing that out.
But back to ENSO (Nino (a's). The climate apparently warmed from 1977 to 1998, and that is mostly attributed to mans influence. I guess, w/o bad man, temperatures would be nice and steady overall. But all scientists accept the fact that a preponderance of El Nino's will caused increased warming. One of the reasons the climate has not warmed the past 15 years is because the El Nino's have been regular but weak. Now the alarmist climate scientists know all this, and they do all kinds of mumbo jumbo to make excuses and try to take out the Nino's affect on climate.
But, the bottom line, it is the heat or cold in the ocean that is tossed around the world which control our climate in the short, decadel time span. It all worked in cycles, enormous cycles like the severe ice age we had 20,000 years ago and before, and the smaller cooling events which caused the glaciers to grow from 1500 to 1850. Of course, the climate scientists never mention that although the glaciers have receded in general the past century, they were not always there, and in recent history they were actually growing. Unknown forces caused them to grow and reach their maximum in the 1850, and long before mans influence on climate became any possiblity, they began to recede a few decades before 1900.
It's all been a big waste of money, like paying a broker or mutual fund to manage your money when instead you could buy an index fund and find yourself 3% ahead per year. (not that I take that advice!)