Round 1 to Joe Bastardi & Company

Tony Crocker":xux6zq8p said:
MarcC":xux6zq8p said:
For dog's sake Tony, learn how to use the quote function already!!!!
Fixed. That's probably the first time I've forgotten that in over a year. A bit cranky today, are we? Why don't you go out and get some of the powder that's dumping this week and mellow out a little?
Actually, I've been skiing all last week. Sunday was a day to make up for everything I didn't do while friends were in town and a desperate need for my legs to recover. It was also a day of computer woes (both the main home machine and the primary computer - the PCM, ie: engine flight computer - in the Jeep).
Tony Crocker":g3kyh5ye said:
To a NY Times ski writer the sun rises in New England and sets in Colorado. :-({|=
As of Christmas here are regional ballpark percents of normal snowfall:

Northeast 70% Patrick's underrepresented eastern Canada places may be doing better than that
Northern and Central Colorado 70% Holiday skiing may be mediocre but I'd be surprised if it's not up to the usual standards within a month
Southwest 70% It may take a little longer for many of these places (just ask GPaul!)

Sierra 140%
Pacific Northwest 150%
Western Canada 155%
US Northern Rockies 120%
Utah 100%

The regions/ski terrain having good early seasons outnumber those starting slowly, and by a larger margin vs. average than the laggards are behind.
It is interesting (and sadly not surprising for the NY Times) how extreme cold in Russia, China and the Middle East is being spun as supportive of "climate change." You gotta have some sympathy for the Aussies though: 800 square miles of fires and an average temperature for the entire country of 104F!
This trickery had been going on for thousands of years!
Climate change is likely part of the reason the pyramids in Egypt and the Mayan temples were created on the backs of thousands of slave laborers.
Here is one of my favorites. The 1974 CIA report warning of the dangers of the coming global cooling. ... 2/1974.pdf
That report, which certainly appears authentic, although it's a scanned photocopy, tells of recent droughts, floods (page 5/6) because of the cold climate suffered over the previous decade. Looks like the evening news!! But now we have droughts and floods because of supposed record heat.
The 1974 report above reports it is a situation we don't want to face!! (the record cold)
"The economic and political impact of a major climate shift is almost beyond comprehension" - Oh yes it is!!!
Interesting the report writes of below ave temps in the Arctic for the past 19 months, most people have no idea that this was report was written right at the bottom of the cooling phase. And right after this, satellites went up and started to measure Arctic ice, which was very likely at a multi decadal high.
"Scientists are confident that unless man is effectively able to modify the climate, the northern regions will again be covered with 100 to 200 feet of ice and snow".
Thank Goodness for fossil fuels. We fixed it!
"For the future there is a high probability of increased variability in a number of features of climate..." Wow! what a revelation. Please tax us so we can get warm.
Another revelation - "Leaders in climatology are in agreement that a climatic change is taking place..."
"Climatology is a budding science". oh yeah, sort of like the science of reading tarrot cards. Just now they've become very sophisticated in stealing our money and poisoning our brains with nonsense.
SnowbirdDevotee":2xogqwy0 said:
>>Admin wrote:
Speaking of "one sided," take a look at this drivel today from "the paper of record"

"The paper of record" is in the belly of the beast. ... ml?hp&_r=0

Are you saying that article regarding bad air pollution in SLC is not true? Seems true to me, but I don't live there.
Please pay attention to who you are quoting - and you might want to go back and fix your cheesetitted post.
>>Please pay attention to who you are quoting - and you might want to go back and fix your cheesetitted post.

now i am really confused?
cheesetitted post?? - i had to google that word. something to do about a women not washing under her titties? who didn't wash??

what does whom i quoting have to do with this?? i guess this thread has wandered from Joe Bastardi and the PDO, but it seemed to this SLC tourist that the pollution was terrible when i was out there in January, in fact, wasn't that particulate matter snizel that i had to brush off my car in the am when it wasn't even snowing? just trying to figure out why the locals seemed to think that NY Times article had some bunk in it??? or maybe that's not what they were saying??
Powder Magazine has jumped on the alarmist bandwagon.":rcikmx7b said:
DEEP: The Future of Snow
Skiing is in jeopardy. If climatologists are right, we are looking at the end of the sport as we know it in 75 years. Features Editor Porter Fox takes a road trip to the heart of ski town America to find out, what now?
It doesn't look like can you read this article online without a subscription. I sent an e-mail to the editor with my SnowTrend chart (the one I used to analyze how good 2001-11 was and how bad 2011-12 was). A simpler version with trend line showing how North American skiing has been devastated by the warmer temperatures of the 2000's vs. the 1970's.

I'm not holding my breath waiting for a response.
John Stifter, editor of Powder, finally responded to my e-mail. This is their "deadline season," so they are extremely busy. At any rate, he had several thoughtful responses, may include some caveats in Part II of the Series, and even forwarded my original e-mail to the author.

With regard to the slowdown in warming and IPCC's upcoming recognition of it, John sent this very detailed reference, well worth reading for those interested in the many complex issues: ... l-warming/
With all the advanced technology and knowledge that man has gained the past century, it is incredible that we now live in the Age Of Stupid. Stupid is the new smart.
Here is a photo of 1200 year old trees just uncovered in Alaska. ... joUBMasiSo

Now anyone with half a self thinking brain cell left would think, hum, 1200 yrs ago it must have been pretty warm in that part of Alaska to grow those mature spruce trees, likely a couple hundred years of warmth to mature. And we don't see any huge trees here now, we see mostly ice and a few stumps. Hmmm. So just 1200 years ago, a blink of the eye in human climate history, the climate of Alaska was much warmer, and for quite some time. Then for whatever reason, glaciers came, what did that? Duh?? Maybe the Climate Changed???? Who would've thought of that before greedy, selfish humans started driving SUV's. Yet this is the STUPIDITY that anyone with a self thinking brain cell finds themselves surrounded by. And somehow or another, the supposedly smartest individuals and institutions in our society, across much of the world, all are completely 100% full of the same stupidity. But they all agree with each other, and they are smart, and they can write smart convoluted papers, and to add to it, they are the supposed "caring ones" who will lead us down the path to personal and societal betterment. And let's not forget the renewable wealth that is ours for the taking if we just let the "good people" do what they need to do. If you don't understand that picture and article above, you have no brain cells left that haven't been hijacked to turn you into a slave.
SnowbirdDevotee":3beu3anf said:
With all the advanced technology and knowledge that man has gained the past century, it is incredible that we now live in the Age Of Stupid. Stupid is the new smart.
Here is a photo of 1200 year old trees just uncovered in Alaska. ... joUBMasiSo

Now anyone with half a self thinking brain cell left would think, hum, 1200 yrs ago it must have been pretty warm in that part of Alaska to grow those mature spruce trees, likely a couple hundred years of warmth to mature. And we don't see any huge trees here now, we see mostly ice and a few stumps. Hmmm. So just 1200 years ago, a blink of the eye in human climate history, the climate of Alaska was much warmer, and for quite some time. Then for whatever reason, glaciers came, what did that? Duh?? Maybe the Climate Changed???? Who would've thought of that before greedy, selfish humans started driving SUV's. Yet this is the STUPIDITY that anyone with a self thinking brain cell finds themselves surrounded by. And somehow or another, the supposedly smartest individuals and institutions in our society, across much of the world, all are completely 100% full of the same stupidity. But they all agree with each other, and they are smart, and they can write smart convoluted papers, and to add to it, they are the supposed "caring ones" who will lead us down the path to personal and societal betterment. And let's not forget the renewable wealth that is ours for the taking if we just let the "good people" do what they need to do. If you don't understand that picture and article above, you have no brain cells left that haven't been hijacked to turn you into a slave.

Please take your frothing diatribe to appropriate right-wing hate sites where I'm sure you will feel much more at home.
Marc_C":2jocfi8f said:
Please take your frothing diatribe to appropriate right-wing hate sites where I'm sure you will feel much more at home.

Speaking of hate...

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I would ascribe the "Age of Stupid" more to the media and the politicians, on both sides of this and many other issues. I do not believe the vast majority of the scientists are involved in any form of conspiracy. But they have been guilty of "groupthink" in designing and validating each other's models. And I would expect at least some of those models to be adjusted if the evidence of flat temperatures contradicts them. Thus we see the toning down of the more alarmist projections in the upcoming IPCC report, because the actual data will fall out of the 95% confidence interval of the previous models in just a few years more of the current trend. Adjustments are being made to the "climate sensitivity" of the models, which means those huge positive feedbacks some of us have questioned. I'm sure there will be some "foot-dragging" on this, but eventually science has to reflect the hard evidence, whichever way it goes. As I've said before, if temperatures soar over the next decade in the face of negative PDO and the quiet solar cycle, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. My bet is that they will stay flat.
On p. 122 of the current SKI Magazine, also titled "The Future of Snow?" they have outdone the Powder feature last month. It predicts increases in temperature of.....
4.5F by 2030, and 16.2F by 2100. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yes, I suppose with a 16.2F increase we might see "zero inches midwinter snowpack at all elevations" at Park City, which commissioned this ridiculous report. Perhaps Park City would have been better served by paying closer attention to the deadline on its lease renewal. :stir:
So weird to have both magazines pick the same timing for poorly researched hype articles on climate. Especially given the well known warmth flattening and major divergence from all of the supposedly highly accurate computer models over the past decade+. I figure someone behind the scenes was doing quite the sales pitch to probably a lot of recreation oriented titles and two of the ski industries biggest bit and bit hard on the pitch. I would be super surprised if it was coincidental timing.