Here's an interesting SWE comparison of Grizzly Peak near A-Basin to Snowbird in 2014-15.
While Grizzly Peak is close to average and stayed near its maximum deep into May, note that maximum snowpack was about 16 inches SWE. Snowbird, in its record low year, exceeded that snowpack from mid-January through April and maxed out about 22 inches SWE.
Overall I would rather have been in Colorado this year for the better preservation and longer season on similar snowfall. But the above demonstrates that a crappy year in LCC is similar to an average year in Colorado. And a great year in Colorado like 2010-11 is like an average year in LCC.
I have completed my data collection for 2014-15 and the gory details are here:
2014-15 has slotted in with 1976-77 and 1980-81 as the lowest snowfall seasons on record. In 1976-77 and 1980-81 Grand Targhee led North America's ski areas with 372 and 382 inches respectively. Targhee had 301 inches in 2014-15. In all other seasons someone comfortably exceeded 400 inches.
UDOT has been measuring snowfall near the base of Alta at 8,700 feet since 1946. 276.8 inches in 2014-15 is the record low for that location. Alta Ski Area measures near the Collins mid-station at 9,600 feet since 1980-81. 2014-15 snowfall there was 323.5 inches, lowest of the 35 years measured there. There are no Alta Collins records from 1976-77, the consensus record low western snow season before this one.
Jay Peak in Vermont measured 374 inches at the top and 214 at the base, so I count 294 mid-mountain for Jay.
Alyeska like most West Coast areas was plagued by a high rain/snow line in 2014-15. The top of Alyeska's lift service at 2,750 feet had 478.3 inches of snow while mid-mountain at 1,500 feet had only 176 inches. The long term relationship of mid to top at Alyeska is 79%, so the 37% this year tells you how much rain there was.
Breckenridge in Colorado recorded 321 inches of snow through closing date Apr. 19 at 11,200 feet. This site is not at the top of lift service but is considered by locals to be in a high snowfall part of the ski area.
Revelstoke in Canada recorded 224 inches December - March. Based upon a nearby Canadian weather site I would estimate about 320 inches for November - April.
There are a couple of very high snowfall areas in far northern British Columbia, Shames and Powder King. I have never been able to obtain snowfall data from either. It is very likely that Powder King got more snow than Alta in 2014-15, but I have no numbers to support that.
So in conclusion I consider Alta's 323.5 inches
during its record low season to be #1 in North America for 2014-15!
Here's the update to a chart I have posted before:
Is there a trend? It's a little early to say that. The recent dry period is quite acute, but compare to the 1985-1992 period where there were few seasons much above average even at the individual region level.
The graph above has a trend line. This is the first year that it has even a slightly negative slope, obviously dragged down by the extremity of 2014-15. If there was zero negative trend from 1973-2014, we need to see a few more years before concluding that there is a meaningful negative trend now. Just 4 years ago we enjoyed the highest snowfall ski season of our lifetimes, and that trend line was up more then than it is down now.