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  1. BigDaddy

    JAY PEAK 3/4/06 (Best day of the year)

    Nice video... looks like an awesome time. (no whinning or crying, either.)
  2. BigDaddy

    Updated Thoughts...Locally up to 18" possible in northe

    Pretty impressive forcasting!!! You nailed this one. I know where I'm looking next time! PS- Do you do windsurfing forcasts, too?
  3. BigDaddy

    Sugarbush Wind Holds

    I heard they lost a chair or two the weekend before... seriously! They had to recheck everything before rerunning and so they probably didn't want to push their luck!
  4. BigDaddy

    JAY PEAK 3/4/06 (Best day of the year)

    Schweet! Looks like the day of the century! Thanks for posting. Anyone want to see pics of my garage I rearranged Sunday instead of skiing?
  5. BigDaddy

    Sugarbush video 03/04/05: "The Fall Guy"

    You have to learn to windsurf and I have to get a life!... ...besides, there's gotta be a tuckermans outing or Spring fling in the near future?
  6. BigDaddy

    Sugarbush video 03/04/05: "The Fall Guy"

    No one ever made it this town without stepping on a few toes... besides, if he didn't fall so much, then it would have been so booooooorrrrrring!
  7. BigDaddy

    Sugarbush video 03/04/05: "The Fall Guy"

    Thanks!!! I'm more than happy to publically abuse my friends! Where do I go to pick up my Oscar?
  8. BigDaddy

    Sugarbush video 03/04/05: "The Fall Guy"

    Okay, okay... you get the "Avis Award"! Ummmm, excuse me?!... this was Sugarbush, not Brokeback Mt! Uhhhh actually, I believe it was more like five minutes.
  9. BigDaddy

    Sugarbush video 03/04/05: "The Fall Guy"

    Okay, since "Crash" won last night, I thought "The Fall Guy" could maybe ride the coattails a little?... This was Rob's first day on teli-skies... I mean first day that week... you be the judge! Rated: LP-21 (21" loose powder!)
  10. BigDaddy

    Cannon Mt. video: "I Came To Ski, Not To Walk!"

    As well you should!... Seeing how well "Crash" did last night at the Oscars, it may be time for "The Fall Guy"!
  11. BigDaddy

    What's up at Stratton?

    Yay Ithaca!... What about Greek Peak?... (just kidding! I spent a few years there in college.) The snow seems to be further north ie-Stowe/Sugarbush, but if it's mid-week and you have a free ticket, I'd probably ski there one day, then head north for another. Make a weekend out of it since it...
  12. BigDaddy

    Cannon Mt. video: "I Came To Ski, Not To Walk!"

    Okay, here's my video debut... (just in time for the Oscars). I hope Mittersill is never lift accessed! PS- Bob is a teli-marketer, too... errrrrrr, I mean teli-skier!
  13. BigDaddy

    My crappy Jay and Tucks vids

    Very professional, Salida! I'm still at the home movie stage, but you've inspired me to reach higher.. (and maybe go to college, so I can have some free time again!).
  14. BigDaddy

    What's up at Stratton?

    You must mean those "money trees" that ski $tratton?! Usually you can ski around them as they pose in their new Bogner one-piece trying to look cool... They don't hurt as much as real trees, and some are quite beautiful. (Especially those trees made of lycra and spandex.) I wouldn't expect...
  15. BigDaddy

    My crappy Jay and Tucks vids

    For some reason, I get directed to "free web". Is this where the videos are? I'd love to see them and also learn how to uplaod a couple I made. If anyone knows, please tell me. Thanks!
  16. BigDaddy

    Mad River Glen VT, 2/25-2/26

    Good for you! You had the right attitude... expect the worst, and sometimes you'll be pleasantly surprised! Wish I was there...
  17. BigDaddy

    Nashoba Valley

    Let the Magic Carpet Series, ummm... fly!
  18. BigDaddy

    Bode to sell Cannon Mt. to cover Olympic sized bar bill?!

    Are you saying this guy below can't play the organ?...
  19. BigDaddy

    Bode to sell Cannon Mt. to cover Olympic sized bar bill?!

    Elvis you rule, but Liberace's the real king...
  20. BigDaddy

    skiing is for the birds

    If this was Jackson Hole (Cheney's fav) you'd probably want to stay away from the birds... otherwise a true "Bluebird Day"!