Tony Crocker":34yr003i said:
admin":34yr003i said:
Traverses are not physically demanding, hikes are.
Hikes are much more demanding, but the physical demands of traverses are not zero, especially when they are like the High T. Recall the posts from those whose recovering injuries were aggravated by traverses. Given a choice I'd rather exhaust my ski legs moving vertically than horizontally. FTO is often an echo chamber. Many of our Iron Blosam group have been to Alta in the past and have little desire to revisit, and the excessive traversing is often mentioned as a reason. I consider this opinion extreme, but it illustrates the point that there are many fine skiers who have the opposite opinion from admin.
Then I presume that you and the members of your group to whom you refer never ski at Snowbird on:
1. The Middle Cirque (the Mid-Cirque Traverse is far more demanding than the High T will ever be)
2. The Lower Cirque
3. South Chute
4. Wilbere Bowl
5. Mach Schnell
6. Mark Malou Fork
7. High Baldy
8. Mid-Baldy
9. Livin' the Dream
10. Chamonix Chutes
11. Gad Chutes
12. Powder Paradise
13. Sunday Cliffs
14. Bookends
15. Sugar Cliffs
16. Tiger Tail
17. Blackjack
18. Tower 3 Chutes
19. Dalton's
20. Black Forest
21. Paranoia
22. Little Cloud Bowl (Regulator Johnson, etc.) from the Little Cloud chair
23. Toad Hill
All require a traverse (or a hike, or a hike followed by a long traverse) at Snowbird. And that list is anything but exhaustive. Y'all must be skiing nothing but Chip's, Lupine Loop, Big Emma and Bassackwards all week. Remember last year at Deer Valley during Sundance, when the runs under the lift were packed while the next run 25 yards over was deserted? You're practicing, or defending, that mentality by ignoring the stuff on that list above and advocating ignoring it as an inherent advantage.
A traverse is much less demanding than a gentle intermediate mogul run. If you exhaust your ski legs by skiing horizontally, as you've put it, then you have no clue how to properly ski a traverse. If physical maladies prevent you from skiing a traverse then you're skiing nothing but blue square groomers anyway and you can find them directly beneath a lift anywhere, including at both Snowbird and Alta.
You describe "fine skiers" in that Iron Blosam group, but I've seen precious few amongst the first generation, and the stronger ones who have tagged along with us at Snowbird in years past were skiing terrain that they'd never seen before in decades of visiting every year. I know that for a fact, for they flat out told me so. And they had
fun exploring this new-to-them terrain, much like the 20-somethings from the second generation who were with us on Sunday. One in particular expressed gratitude for this past Sunday, saying that they never would've had a day like that with the regular group. I suspect that your Iron Blosam brethren who can't appreciate Alta for what it is wear those same blinders when skiing over there.
Let's get something straight here. You refer to my "opinion." My opinion, whatever it may be, has nothing to do with anything. Preference for Alta over Snowbird or vice versa because of vibe or any other intangible reason is an
opinion. What we've been discussing all over this thread, on the other hand, is
fact. In this argument, you've never let any
facts get in the way of your
opinion. You actually ignore the facts that have been presented to you over and over and over again. And I agree with Marc_C -- you do a disservice to our readers by misleading them by presenting your opinion as fact. There's nothing factual about your misstatements at all -- they're just plain wrong. I'd refer to them as "lies" instead of "misstatements," except that you actually appear to believe the crap that you've been spewing.
I had dinner tonight with a Vermonter friend who's out here visiting and who coincidentally prefers Snowbird. I mentioned your assertion that Alta is nothing but traversing and Snowbird is almost all fall-line direct from lift. He nearly busted a stitch laughing.