American Election 2024

Trump and Vance scare the crap outta any and all normal people with their ridiculous pronouncement
LOL, while I was typing this, Trump was typing...

"What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST president in the history of the US, whose presidency was unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty* Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and others on the lunatic left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the US presidency, a COUP, to the people in the world he most hates. And he wants it back NOW!!!”

Can we get a Trump supporter to write something in this thread, please? Seems we need a better word than triggered LOL cuz what do you call a lunatic that writes like this? It's expected that he'd write about black woman Kamala Harris but he's trying to call her some weird name. The others that he picks out are a black, a woman, and two Jews.
Then he projects his own hatred for underlings on Biden.

His campaign did a little better, they wanted to focus on Walz and their unhappiness that he floated the idea of letting convicted felons vote. Oops.

* ETA: many out-of-shape people Trump's age have no clue that Shifty is a snowboard/skateboard trick.
Also, hyperlink added LOL.
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Sincerely, I wasn't trying to brag. It kind of an Italian thing I think. My grandma kept dresses for 50 years because they were "still good."

In the nineties, I spent maybe 5 years following the "boglehead forum." That's where I got my routine. Basically keep costs way down (index mostly), diversify and accept the total market return for 40 years. You won't get rich but you might end up with enough. Time will tell, I'm retiring in Dec, so here we go.

One piece of playing the market I did was overweight the US. I didn't do it on purpose, I never really thought about it. A few years ago I met with a guy who said, "decent diversification except very little international." Since then I have been buying stock at a 60/40 US/Intl ratio to try to rebalance a bit. It's still almost 3-to-1 US. When I roll my 401k into an IRA I'll be able to fully rebalance. But the accidental net net is that the US overweight has been a plus for us.

I don't care at all about thread derail.

Walz seems like a good fit for the blue. Time will tell there too.
I didn’t take it as bragging. Yours is a good story that I will use to reinforce investing lessons to my kids.
I am tipping your retirement will be a financially secure one. :)
Are we here in Australia getting a distorted view of reality as far as the election goes?
I’m seeing lots of stuff that makes it appear Harris/Walz are on a steep ascendancy while it seems like the wheels are falling off the Trump/Vance campaign.
How does it feel on the ground? Anyone on the forum from one of the do call swing states?


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I’m seeing lots of stuff that makes it appear Harris/Walz are on a steep ascendancy while it seems like the wheels are falling off the Trump/Vance campaign.
How does it feel on the ground?
That appears to be the case at the moment; however, I mentioned a few pages ago that the Dems have historically shown themselves to be adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory so don't pop the champagne bottles just yet.

Let's see how Kamala does fielding unscripted questions.
I’m seeing lots of stuff that makes it appear Harris/Walz are on a steep ascendancy while it seems like the wheels are falling off the Trump/Vance campaign.
Here's a chart updated daily of betting odds, which I think have a better track record than polls:
The chart shows Trump's decline from 66.2% the day after the assassination attempt to 46.1% now. That's not 46.1% of the vote; that's 46.1% chance of winning the election, which essentially means a tossup three months out.

Harris has done extremely well in raising money and rallying enthusiasm in the Democratic base. I doubt there has been much movement among undecided voters in swing states.
Let's see how Kamala does fielding unscripted questions.
Yes. One would think Kamala could clean Trump's clock in a debate, but she could wander off into "word salad" territory as well.
He may try to duck a debate but it's not at all for the same reason as the GOP primary.
The reason for ducking debates is to sit on a lead, which Trump always had during primary season and in the general election into late July. Now that it's close Trump has agreed to the ABC debate as originally scheduled vs. Biden Sept. 10.
Are we here in Australia getting a distorted view of reality as far as the election goes?
Yes. Anything you see in Oz is likely coming from the Indigo Blob. This includes analysts with long time Republican roots (David Brooks, Bret Stephens, me!) but 99% of them hate Trump. Consuming news from the Blob leads to complacency and the impression that
Harris/Walz are on a steep ascendancy while it seems like the wheels are falling off the Trump/Vance campaign.
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And away we go: Twitter. No idea about the context and whether she means politically radical or a radical thinker. In any case, the doom-and-gloom histrionics of the voiceover are classic. To be fair, the Dems use the same tone to describe Agent Orange.
I work with AI to some degree, and I thought her description of AI was right on.

The laughing is a nice change vs all the scowling going on, but she needs to dial it back when she is trying to be serious. It undermines her.
Are we here in Australia getting a distorted view of reality as far as the election goes?
I’m seeing lots of stuff that makes it appear Harris/Walz are on a steep ascendancy while it seems like the wheels are falling off the Trump/Vance campaign.
How does it feel on the ground? Anyone on the forum from one of the do call swing states?
I think Harris/Walz are in the honeymoon stage right now esp with how they've been received by the media which predominantly leans left. The media's gloomy/dire stories of what might be in a second Trump administration have been replaced with optimistic ones about Harris. But any change to the Biden-Trump contest was largely welcome as a great many Americans weren't thrilled with either one. In my opinion Harris was not a particularly notable or popular VP, so it will be interesting to see if the honeymoon lasts all the way to election day. With the upcoming Democratic Party Convention she should get an even further bump in the polls.

I'm ardent pro-life, so I can't vote for Harris. I'm undecided whether I vote for Trump or lodge a protest vote for some obscure 3rd party candidate (not RFK jr). I voted against Trump once and for him once. I think I'm an example that Americans are not all far right or far left. There's a lot of grey/indigo. I'd love to see a pro-life Democrat or an anti-gun Republican. I'm also pro-immigration within reason. If the polarization continues in America I truly believe a strong 3rd party could emerge to serve some sort of middle ground, but that might be decades from now.
any change to the Biden-Trump contest was largely welcome as a great many Americans weren't thrilled with either one.
I can't recall which pundit said it, but something to the effect of "whichever party replaces its elderly candidate with someone younger will win the election." Most Dems I know took Biden at his word about being a one-term transitional figure and felt railroaded by the lack of a primary. What you're seeing is "we'll take anyone other than him" elation and projecting hopeful aspirations onto Harris's blank canvas seems to be the MO.
I think I'm an example that Americans are not all far right or far left.

I would think, by definition, most people would consider themselves moderate.

a one-term transitional figure

If you aren't going to run for a second term, or if you are going to leave time for primaries, you have very little time to get anything done, before you become lame duck.
LOL, while I was typing this, Trump was typing...

"What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST president in the history of the US, whose presidency was unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty* Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and others on the lunatic left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the US presidency, a COUP, to the people in the world he most hates. And he wants it back NOW!!!”

Can we get a Trump supporter to write something in this thread, please? Seems we need a better word than triggered LOL cuz what do you call a lunatic that writes like this? It's expected that he'd write about black woman Kamala Harris but he's trying to call her some weird name. The others that he picks out are a black, a woman, and two Jews.
Then he projects his own hatred for underlings on Biden.

His campaign did a little better, they wanted to focus on Walz and their unhappiness that he floated the idea of letting convicted felons vote. Oops.

* ETA: many out-of-shape people Trump's age have no clue that Shifty is a snowboard/skateboard trick.
Also, hyperlink added LOL.
Trump supporter, not all elections but definitely this one. God, guns and love of Country. I am all about freedom and not being told what to do.
I have three sons that all learned to respect firearms and use them at a very young age.
My children were home alone , oldest being 14. Someone with white van tried to force his way into our home. By the time cops arrived it was over. We live in a rural area. Sons held up a 20 gauge shotgun and the man split
Now what if America was like Canada. You can’t protect yourself with a firearm but Trudeau can have armed guards.
Without firearm protection, my life and family might be way different.
Trump is an ass but will protect freedom and my personal rights way better than the Vaccine mandate loving Democrat party did.
I think Harris/Walz are in the honeymoon stage right now esp with how they've been received by the media which predominantly leans left. The media's gloomy/dire stories of what might be in a second Trump administration have been replaced with optimistic ones about Harris. But any change to the Biden-Trump contest was largely welcome as a great many Americans weren't thrilled with either one. In my opinion Harris was not a particularly notable or popular VP, so it will be interesting to see if the honeymoon lasts all the way to election day. With the upcoming Democratic Party Convention she should get an even further bump in the polls.

I'm ardent pro-life, so I can't vote for Harris. I'm undecided whether I vote for Trump or lodge a protest vote for some obscure 3rd party candidate (not RFK jr). I voted against Trump once and for him once. I think I'm an example that Americans are not all far right or far left. There's a lot of grey/indigo. I'd love to see a pro-life Democrat or an anti-gun Republican. I'm also pro-immigration within reason. If the polarization continues in America I truly believe a strong 3rd party could emerge to serve some sort of middle ground, but that might be decades from now.
A very open and honest post. Thanks.
Here’s hoping for that strong third party……
guns and love of Country
I am a foriegner so really none of my business so ignore my comments if you wish but I say this with respect. Your country, in my experience, would be a better one with less guns.
And it doesn’t concern you that Trump tried to destroy the freedom that you love and a lot of what your country stands for on January 6, 2021?
Nice Gen AI. And same day registration.

I use my guns in America against Dolphins and the Great White Sharks. They are going to eat you on Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard!

Sounds like stupidity.
I have a history of being a bit slow on the uptake occasionally.😂