Big Jay

Usually if you bushwhack long enough youre bound to find some sort of clearing.... and there is nothing wrong with skiing most brush as long as you have goggles and poles. I dont really normally wait for a well maintained clear looking trail before hitting the trees anyway, its better to just go in regardless of how shitty it looks and see if you find anything. I'm sure if anyone cut brush down somewhere off the beaten path within short hiking access to a major ski area, it would be discovered more than enough times by countless people. Most people not willing to put in the effort to go out and hunt for terrain probably also wouldnt have the motivation to act on a tip posted on an internet skiing related board...

by the way I think profanities should be permitted in posts...

the eagle said:
Secondly, there is an unwritten rule concerning back country stashes- that is don't ask-don't tell.

Sorry, though I understand and respect your point, I have to disagree. I cut plenty of trail in my part of VT, and am always inviting members from another board to join me on my trails and others in the area. And the fact is, there is plenty of powder to go around, as I can pretty much guarantee myself of finding first tracks.(assuming no recent ice storms of course).

Even in the area of Big Jay, there are plenty of lines for everyone that makes the trek, if one opens the eyes. Its only the main chutes that are getting skied out. A hike on the ridge on a sunny day will show hundreds of acres of skiing available, if you're willing to work for it.
Tony Crocker":jli03a37 said:
So as one who has skied only a couple of tree runs in Vermont at Stowe and MRG, I ask the question: Is eastern glade skiing mostly natural or mostly man made?

Its neccessary to remember-- in Vermont, 99% has been loggedat some point in the last hundred years, so it really is all man made. That said, it depends on the age of the forest. I've seen mature pine or birch forests with little undergrowth, but many lines are man made.
i gotta throw my two cents into this one in regards to lines that are hand cut by locals and O/B runs. as a relative new comer to going off the map, perhaps i am biased from a 'newbie' point of view, but given my favorite lines are not on the map i could also easily take the point of view that i want them hidden from everyone and horded to a few people in the know.

the problem is this: if other skiers have no right to ski a line they have sighted, what right do i have or does any one have? most lines wouldn't get skied by anyone if they remained to only the folks that cut them. praise be to the folks who hand cut an awesome line, i'd actually like to join that crew next summer if any more experienced woodchucks in NH need any help. but the fact is, most people skiing off the map don't cut trails themselves and treasure those shots just as much as the next guy.

while i am not advocating putting a map online or spelling out the routes on forums or what not, i think self exploration or hooking up with someone in the know are the ways to go, i do think we must keep an open in mind in welcoming other like minded folks into the woods we cherish. there's a reason why we are there and it's the same reason we should never frown on someone making the same discovery we made previously.
Backcountry skiing for me is hooking up with others more knowledgeable than you or I and sharing on a first hand basis.
I mostly ski alone.But because I ride chairs with locals and strike up a conversation,be polite and respectful, I learn more and more.
They share with me and I share some of my knowledge with them in the hope that both of us pass on that information with some discretion.
Big Jay?Dip?What the heck are you guys talking about?I think it's just an urban legend.
maybe i should know this......maybe not. the guy looks kinda old.......not in my era anyways.
so who is this Hannah guy?
how come some people have the right to speak their minds on this forum and others are banned .

what sort of criteria deserves to be banned?

just because someone expresses their opinion on the backcountry scene in their neck of the woods does not deserve to be banned.

it is simply a matter of how that person feels about the state of the situation in their backyard.

i am sure there are people who agree with that opinion and they deserve to be heard.

look at allthechatter one persons comment got about this very distressing problem on the east coast backcountry scene.

i don't think you, meaning the webmaster of this forum, should ban anyone for stating an opinion on this matter.

enough said

the man / myth / legend??????

just wondering if any one who actually reads this page lives in the town of montgomery or jay , troy , lowell, westfield. basically anywhere surrounding the mountain?

just so i can know the nature of any of the replies i have read. Then my suspicions can be confirmed.

please reply to this forum if you are from any of these towns.



This is enough.... stop being a hypocrite

You can ban people from "your" supposed back country

But he can't ban people from his own forum

BY THE WAY - its not your back country, just cause you made the trail doesn't mean you own it, wake up dude... before someone swipes your trail right out from under your nose... stop being so paranoid, people are going to ski the trail whether we talk about it on this forum or not

basically what it also comes down to is that we meaning the people i know will be the first ones out to big jay when ever it is good anyway, and that means i am just going to have to go sooner than i would like to ski the goods .
so say what ever you want about whose lines are whose and you can ski this and can't ski that because i'll ski it first anyway..



bigjayboney":19w1fivu said:
how come some people have the right to speak their minds on this forum and others are banned .

what sort of criteria deserves to be banned?

Personal attacks and obscenity. Plain and simple. Diversity of opinion is always welcome, but there's a way to go about it. The offender in question unfortunately chose the wrong way.

what do you know, you live in washtington state, you have ample room and endless backcountry, mind your own buisness

you can comment on the situation when you live in northern vermont and you have to deal with what the scene is turning into here.

ever been to new york city????
Oh, and just FYI, the offending post that got the user banned is no longer visible. We were forced to delete it due to the obscenity contained therein. Notice that the earlier posts from that user remain on this board, for there was no reason to delete them. It's not about opinion, it's about proper decorum -- something that we will always maintain here.

And since when is "Waltham, MA" in Washington State?

Finally, you tell salida to "mind (his) own business" -- gee, are you trying to censor his opinion? :roll:

i dont recall any personal attacks in any of the supposed slanderous replies.

whats up with the censorship. is this a PG website or are we all adults here who have heard that language and probably used that language at other times?

concerned user

p.s. cuss words are merely adjectives to get a point across or set a mood in a situation.
my bad ,

i missread his bio.


back to the point at hand


i don't know what you would call it, but i call it mindin your own business.

what dont you understand about that.
doesnt matter":3jkpyue8 said:
i dont recall any personal attacks in any of the supposed slanderous replies.

The unacceptable post was deleted almost immediately after it was made. Few people saw it. I have no reservations about banning someone who uses a phonetic representation of "F.U." as a username.

doesnt matter":3jkpyue8 said:
whats up with the censorship. is this a PG website or are we all adults here who have heard that language and probably used that language at other times?

concerned user

p.s. cuss words are merely adjectives to get a point across or set a mood in a situation.

First off, and least importantly, we have underage users. Beyond that, is it really necessary to resort to those words only because of an inadequate vocabulary to set a mood? In reality there are only about a half dozen words that the board censors. To answer your question, yes -- we are a PG website and have no reservations about it. I reluctantly admit that I personally have the vocabulary of a drunken sailor on shore leave, but I won't commit that to electrons here.

We strive to produce a quality product here, and will continue to do so. We've all seen too many online fora that have become virtually unusable due to the high signal to noise ratio. As I've said around here before, we won't let this forum become one of them. People just need to learn how to conduct themselves with appropriate decorum, and the deed that got that user banned proved that he/she didn't have it.
does over 350" really go that quick to where there is such a huge problem with even the 'secrets' being all skied up?

i know i know. i'm in montana and have all that room, but we also don't recieve as much snow as J gets, and the goods seem to last for a few days at least........cause of the skiable acreage, but still. that's the most you can expect after a storm, right? a few days of freshies. save your 'secrets' for last. aer you hitting your 'secret' backcountry spots on the first day? that's your problem. if J gets hit with over 350" a year then is it reasonable to assume that you get atleast one powder day a week........all year long? what's the beef? beef.
oh just so you know....

I got up at 4 am to get first tracks of the season in the entire state of NH, you wont be the only one getting up early... like you are the only one who likes to get first tracks, im sure everyone on this forum does *AS THAT IS THE NAME OF THE FORUM* ...we just aren't obnoxious in the process of doing it.
