Big Jay

hamdog":2dy4v1b7 said:
does over 350" really go that quick to where there is such a huge problem with even the 'secrets' being all skied up?

There's a nasty little four-letter word around here that should be censored, but isn't: rain. I worked at Jay Peak from 1989 through 1996, and I can personally attest to their snowfall -- they really do get that much more than anyone else. However, a few days after a storm you can just as easily get the wind cranking from the south and the next system brings liquid, or worse--liquid changing to ice, for example. Admittedly, Jay is less prone to the "R" word than anywhere else in New England, but it happens, so 350" doesn't go as far as it would out where you are.
listen here mister 4 am, unless you live immediately away from the mountain that means 10 minutes or closer then good luck beatin me to it.

i live for first tracks


i'm real proud of ya.

thanks for insight directed to mister montana,

well i've lived in jay for the past , well lets just say a long time, and the weather is absolutely insane. could possibly be the most intense weather out there next to mt washinghton, nh and the good snow can be gone in almost an instant. where as in montana you will ski nothing but beautiful snow all the time with the expection of the sun crust, other than that you can find great snow on atleast on aspect at any given time during the season. so i would have to say you got it pretty out there.

i will also personally atest to that because i have some spent so time in that western vicinity.

how boot it eh

canada rules
I have commented several times here that the big difference between East and West is the rain incidence of the East. And I base this upon daily records from Mt. Mansfield at 3,900 ft., which averages 12 days of rain between Nov. 1 and Apr. 30. At average lift service eastern ski elevations the rain problem is likely even worse.

Here in SoCal the mentality is the same. If it dumps, you better get out there that first day.
I know I'm probably just adding fuel to the fire of this flame but I can't help myself. Yes, pretty much all tree skiing on the east coast is manmade. The funny thing is the only real exception is Jay Peak, where you can cruise all around area's like the dip or way beyond beaver pond where the spacing just happens to be perfect by nature. Certainly a lot of Jay has been man-made as well...

Me and a few friends cut a new glade on Mittersill last summer. Quite honestly, I didn't find it to be the backbreaking labor whatshisname discribed it as; and franconia notch is way more densely forested than jay, vt. Three days and it was done, but the third day there were six of us and we had all the right tools. This is not a trail you're likely to stumble upon, and without a good idea of the geography you could get yourself into trouble real fast. There's at least a hundred feet of natural woods from the last (manmade, somewhat hidden, out of bounds) glade that you have to bushwack your way through. But the Cannon locals love that kind of stuff, and they have already begun to discover it.

And you know what, I don't mind too much if someone follows my tracks and finds the trail. The issue really isn't the work I put into it, it's just that someone could potentially steal my powder stash. It does feel like stealing, but this is public land and no one owns the snow. The real crime was cutting the trail in the first place. If you're worried about someone riding your powder get away from Jay. It's not a huge mountain and it's getting more and more touristy. The in bounds glades are tracked out so fast it's only natural that everyone starts riding out of bounds...
I can totally relate to BjBd's point about "his" trails....

I shoveled the snow off "my" sidewalk in front of my house, and now all these frigg'n people want to walk on it.

.......And until they spend some of their valuable time on shoveling sidewalks... I hate to break it to all of you but in order to walk on a clean sidewalk you have to go out there at some other time or to be a little more honest , all the [censored] time and [censored] shovel it. Thats why the sidewalk is so clean. But alot of that work has always been done by a very small number of people willing to sacrifice their precious time to go out there and work, work their [censored] asses off for days on end in the persuit of clean sidewalks. And those are the people who deserve clean sidewalks all the time, not some masshole or joey, but some hard working individual, someone who has worked for free shoveling sidewalks. So if you could all just stay in the confines of of your warm houses that would make myself and a few other priveledged hard workers very happy, we deserve it.
I think this whole idea of trail ownership and poaching is laughable.

The notion that you have some right to an area of a forest because you illegally cut down trees, branches, brush, etc. flies in the face of what skiing is all about. If some finds your stash, you didn't hide it well enough!!!

Not only will I ski your stash, but I will jump on your head on the way down.

Lighten up, Francis....
tred":lgiknbfc said:
The in bounds glades are tracked out so fast it's only natural that everyone starts riding out of bounds...

Good on 'em, and good luck to 'em. Lord knows there is lots of stuff inbounds that never sees skis more than a couple times a season. Occasionally such places require an adjustment to what you consider a "quick" turn or a "tight" line.

There's little in skiing that is more satisfying than laying down laps of knee deep turns within sight of the lift while everyone else is grousing about everything being tracked out.
hamdog":wq0lpzws said:
maybe i should know this......maybe not. the guy looks kinda old.......not in my era anyways.
so who is this Hannah guy?

He's the guy in NHPH Avatar. Skiied at Dartmouth (1930s) with Dick Durrance also at McGill.

Hired for lay out of ski areas + cut and design many trails in the North East, some out West. Tuckerbrook, Cannon mountain, Jay Peak, some at Lake Louise I believe.

Started Sno-engineering.

That's all I have time to say for now.
Admin":1jkj7kk0 said:
bigjayboney":1jkj7kk0 said:
how come some people have the right to speak their minds on this forum and others are banned .

what sort of criteria deserves to be banned?

Personal attacks and obscenity. Plain and simple. Diversity of opinion is always welcome, but there's a way to go about it. The offender in question unfortunately chose the wrong way.

Liftlines has had many heated debates in the past, no one until BJBD has never been banned in all these years.

BJBD had some valid arguments, yes, but when you start off by calling everyone losers and insult them (deleted post) - I limit has to be drawn. FTO has is a great place to debate without personal attacks. In some forum, the deletion of messages or banning of users definately happens more frequently for more less.

Keep up the great work Marc!!!
sharing is caring... why can't we all just get along. The big problem here is everyone just needs to see some snow. Once we get a good storm and the skiing starts getting good, tensions will greatly decress as the season kicks in.
Cannonball":5yo51ae5 said:
And those are the people who deserve clean sidewalks all the time, not some masshole or joey, but some hard working individual, someone who has worked for free shoveling sidewalks. So if you could all just stay in the confines of of your warm houses that would make myself and a few other priveledged hard workers very happy, we deserve it.
the other day it snowed for the first time down here in MA. i slept in late and work up around 11am to discover that my land lord had came by and shoveled the sidewalks and driveway of my apartment building. how releived was i! this is the life! i get to enjoy his hard work without doing anything and i wouldn't have it any other way! :roll: :roll: :roll:
I figured i'd bring back the old Sel avatar for this Big Jay debate.Glad to see someone recognizes him.
Sel was a very knowledgable and well respected trail designer in the days berfor condos and abbutting golf courses.Lots of trails mentioned in the Classic Narrow Eastern Trails thread in the Eastern forum were designed by Sel Hannah.And any time your name gets mentioned with Dick Durrance and Joe Dodge you get "props" from me.
BJBD needs to remember that many many people cut trails that he/she has skied on without asking the "owner".Did BJBD help clear trees for the road to get to the mountain?Or pave it?Or build the lifts?How would the "owners" feel?
How does BJBD feel about the best ski shop in the Notheast Kingdom posting pics of weekly trips to Big Jay?
And whatever you do dont click here
There are no directions on how to access Big Jay on this site.Check Skiing Magazine for that.Take a pill.Those who know how to ski it WILL find it.Get used to it.Cut it,name it,hide it, and wait for the masses to find it, then cut another.That's the name of the game.
Stop stressing and be satisfied no one knows about the thousands of lines availible from a short skin up the Catamount Trail on Gilpin Mt..Oops!
i love powder, it is a serious addiction and i am in need of a fix. oh what to do , i wish it would snow, soon or else i am going to be forced to leave the beast coast , for the sprawling powder sanctuaries of british columbia. things have gotten way out of hand at jay peak lately and there is no end in sight. all the lies and decit that is bring people from across the globe to ski this small mountainous area is ridiculous. you would think that you were coming to the whistler of the east coast once you got a look at jay's marketing materials, just abbsurd. when are the lies going to catch up with the administration. oh and another thing, if i'm not mistaken, didn't jay get in trouble a few years back for advertising guided tours to big jay and the dip? because they are at it again.

oh well there goes another hidden gem in the ski world. :( :(
redeye express":36bup05j said:
when are the lies going to catch up with the administration.
i dunno if there are lies being spread perse, but my only time skiing jay was a let down. i just hit the mountain on an off day, it can happen at any ski area. but the area was about 100% pretty much, but with no powder in sight. just wasn't worth the drive from the boston area without what the mountain is legendary for. then again, i didn't ski any of the BC that's being discussed here... :D
the thing is , jay lies about snow totals as well, stowe and smuggs get just as much snow with out the inflated numbers that you get at jay. yet they continue to lie to everyone about how plentiful the powder is, when it isn't at all. the reason it used to be a powder meca was that it wouldn't get skied out after a storm and it would bebin to pile up, expecially in the backcountry, then a week or sometimes two weeks later you could go out to bigjay and get some deep snow that had time to pile up. it doesn't happen like that any more, the mountain is skied out by noon and people are on the dip all day, then it's tracked and bigjay follows soon after. it sucks bit time.
i've been pretty tied up the last 3 days and have just noticed this little brou -ha ha and the obscene poster from this only comments would be in the form of 2 questions.
1) how many times has this dude posted reliable reports on this site?... i can't recall any.
2) how many times has this apparent " hard core " skier, been out riding this year... my guess would be a number that resembles a donut hole... :roll: :roll: :roll:
leaving for K in 6 hours... full report on tuesday night :D