Not much I can say other than that sucks and I know how it feels to get skunked. Out of the 17 trips I've made to Utah over the past 23 years, at least two, maybe three times were during long droughts when it wasn't much better than how you're describing the 3V right now. You can say "that's a pretty good percentage, 3 out of 17," but it doesn't help when you're there and it really doesn't help to hear "you shoulda been here [when]." Naturally, a few days after I left, they got three feet.
Whenever I arrive back at JFK or Newark on flights from Zurich or Geneva, there are dozens of people picking up skis and snowboards. Of course, many more fly out west but saying "so few bother going to the Alps" simply isn't true, at least from the east coast.why so few Americans bother to ski the Alps and instead focus on the western US/Canada.