The big Corona Virus Shutdown

Tons of self inflicted stupidity by the politicians and "big title" CDC types. Trying to use a sledgehammer at this point instead of brains.

So many more intelligent ways to/have handled things. One tiny example: The CDC spent weeks trying to develop a test that could identify all known corona virus exposures (all 7 human types, not just the new one). Which failed miserably with many false results. This is government style thinking. Lets spend our crucial time developing a test for everything that will take many months or even a year instead of focusing on the immediate need (and also due to over complexity can only be performed in tiny volumes in a handful of labs in the world). This is the brilliance of people like Dr. Fauci and vast majority of ilk in government employ. So smart they can't even get out of their own way much of the time, yet alone do truly useful things in a crisis. Wrong people in the wrong jobs and in way over their heads.

Like I've stated previously I'm waiting for the actual intelligent and rational adults to appear; and politicians and 'big titled' quasi-politicians sure aren't it (of either side of the aisle). I give it a week or two and the push-back will start. Slowly at first and ever more vociferously the longer time goes.
EMSC":xy1nnhp9 said:
Tons of self inflicted stupidity by the politicians and "big title" CDC types. Trying to use a sledgehammer at this point instead of brains.

So many more intelligent ways to/have handled things. One tiny example: The CDC spent weeks trying to develop a test that could identify all known corona virus exposures (all 7 human types, not just the new one). Which failed miserably with many false results. This is government style thinking. Lets spend our crucial time developing a test for everything that will take many months or even a year instead of focusing on the immediate need (and also due to over complexity can only be performed in tiny volumes in a handful of labs in the world). This is the brilliance of people like Dr. Fauci and vast majority of ilk in government employ. So smart they can't even get out of their own way much of the time, yet alone do truly useful things in a crisis. Wrong people in the wrong jobs and in way over their heads.

Like I've stated previously I'm waiting for the actual intelligent and rational adults to appear; and politicians and 'big titled' quasi-politicians sure aren't it (of either side of the aisle). I give it a week or two and the push-back will start. Slowly at first and ever more vociferously the longer time goes.

I hate to bring politics into a ski forum.......but I tend to agree with you on your thoughts! And it certainly doesn't help that the "media" has spun this story (undoubtedly to increase their ratings and thus get paid more money) to create an absolute panic on the part of the public and politicians. I.e., no toilet paper left in any stores and the aisles in many grocery stores completely bare, like the food droughts in the old Soviet Union. And now trillions and trillions of dollars of wealth lost on Wall Street. And millions of Americans will lose their jobs. The misery will just continue to cascade!
Welcome back to SoCal. I went out for some light shopping about 9AM, just to manage the next 3 days. Trader Joe's is allowing 10 people at a time in the store with a considerable lineup outside waiting to get in, so I took a pass. Next I went to Ralph's (a Kroger subsidiary) and parked in a quite full lot. Inside the store looked fairly normal aside from cleaned out paper items. But the checkout lines were about an hour, this on a Monday morning.
Ski areas closing is minor.....

From the Washington Post:
San Francisco Bay area, Washington state and Pennsylvania announce sweeping shutdowns

The San Francisco Bay area will join at least two states and Puerto Rico in declaring statewide shutdowns amid the escalating public health crisis from the virus that causes covid-19.

On Monday afternoon, officials in six San Francisco area counties are expected to announce an order for all residents to “shelter in place” for the next three weeks. The shutdown will take effect at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday in San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda counties and last until at least April 7.

News of the Bay Area lockdown preceded the official announcement after a local TV station published the alert early, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. At the center of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak in Washington state, Gov. Jay Inslee (D) announced similarly sweeping closures Monday, telling residents to treat the next two weeks as a quarantine.

While more than a dozen states have ordered bars and restaurants closed for dine-in service, Washington’s shutdown affects virtually all businesses — from gyms to nail salons — exempting only a handful of the essential service providers, like grocery stores, banks and pharmacies.

“For the next several weeks, normal is not in our game plan,” Inslee warned during a Monday news conference.

In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf (D) expanded an existing four-county shutdown to the entire state, ordering all nonessential businesses to close.

Broad closures that will bring most of the northeast to a standstill were similarly announced Monday for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut; New Jersey’s closure includes a daily curfew of 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

None of the shutdowns in the continental U.S. are as severe yet as measures Puerto Rico issued early Monday when the governor announced a total shutdown of the island. During the lockdown, residents may only leave their homes between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. for essential reasons like grocery shopping and medical visits. Those who flout the lockdown order may be subject to a fine of up to $5,000 or six months in jail.
Marc_C":3iiw1exw said:
From the Washington Post:

A list of moron's doing moronic political things based on fear and hype doesn't really interest me. The real adults will eventually show up.
EMSC":2egyh2jl said:
A list of moron's doing moronic political things based on fear and hype doesn't really interest me. The real adults will eventually show up.
How many will have to die before you stop thinking it's fear and hype? It sounds like you're denying the seriousness of the situation, which is usually the result of fear. Ignore the what-should-have-been-done; right now the best and currently only real option to keep the spread of this manageable and not totally overwhelm the healthcare system is separating people. You can whine about the "fear and hype" all you want, but that doesn't change exponential community spread, esp when it can be done asymptomatically.

I suspect that eventually we'll be in national quarantine, whether that's done at the state level or federal. I would also not be surprised if that happens some time this week.
I live in one of the "six Bay Area counties Monday announced sweeping shelter-in-place restrictions effectively confining millions of residents to their homes for three weeks with exceptions for essential work, food or other needs" (quoting from San Jose Mercury News).

I was thinking of going to Dodge Ridge tomorrow either as a day trip or taking camper and going to Yosemite to cross-country ski on Wed, then meet Tony C at China Peak on Thurs, but my wife says if I go, I should keep going as she would not want me back. Note that Dodge Ridge updated their website this afternoon to say "We’ll have a limit on lift ticket sales, food & beverage service will be unavailable along with other operational details to be aware of before you travel. We will be limiting our indoor space to only 10 people at a time." I would be early and was planning to brown bag whether I took camper of not, but don't think I'm going.

We went to a small Lucky supermarket near my Mom's house yesterday and got a few things, but they did not have any corned beef and said they might in am today. So I went to bigger Lucky store in my neighborhood before 8 and meat shelves looked this this.
Produce area looked like this.
Guy stocking produce said because their order was so big, it would not arrive until 2 pm. After hearing about "shelter-in-place restrictions", we returned about 2 and found parking lot nearly full. There was still not much meat, but we were able to get some fresh vegetables, pork chops and some other stuff including all the items my Mom, who will be 90 in a month and a half needed. Long lines to check out, but by getting into one in the middle of the store that extended a couple of people down the aisle, we waited less than 15 minutes to checkout.
flyover":1wojh4i7 said:
flyover":1wojh4i7 said:
Canada to bar entry to non-citizens and permanent residents: ... -1.5498866" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Frankly, this is a relief to me, as it will allow us to recover 100% of the money we paid to Airbnb for lodging in Whistler over our planned spring break the first week of April.

According to Vail's corona virus F.A.Q.s, we are almost certainly screwed on getting back any of the money we paid for Epic "local" passes primarily to cover 7 days of skiing at Whistler. If that's how it plays out, its not too likely we will ever spend another dime at a Vail resort.

I understand you're a bit put out but this is a difficult situation for all.
I'm not from the US but I'm sure it will be the same for everyone the world over. We are going to have to gain a good sense of understanding and calm over the coming months. We are all going to have to 'suck up' unpleasant happenings in relation to business dealings unfortunately. Many businesses will go bust and there will be collateral damage. I personally expect that there will be a significant period of time that I will not receive rent for property I own even though I expect my tenants will be still in residence. Tough times.
I'm wondering how many airlines will go broke through this. No doubt some will be bailed out by the government (with your money and mine) but the travel landscape could be very different once we get through to the other side.
Have not posted in a while but have returned from the BC Interior before the wheels fell off. ( Fernie, Whitewater, Red and KH ) . All had excellent snow but now all the RCR areas have shut down . WW is still open and have not checked Red ( although warm and mild when there ) . Oldest daughter works for KH ski patrol and just got laid off today and up in the air for her parks Canada position. Ski season appears done . Pic from KH/WW that now seems so long ago . Returned to the east where everything is closed .


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Anthony":2artabo4 said:
WW is still open and have not checked Red
Whitewater's last day was yesterday. Red's last day was today. Sun Peaks' last day will be Wednesday.

vanhanbr":2artabo4 said:
Revelstoke closed. I don't think anyplace will be open by the end of the day.
From a logical point of view, Revelstoke and Kicking Horse are leading candidates to close because of their dependence upon enclosed gondolas.

Even though it's academic now, I plan to review the shortening list of open areas each morning for awhile. But my guess is that some of the western Canada/Montana/Idaho areas that are open will stay open unless ordered to close by state/provincial government. Here's what Big White says:
At this time on a Sunday afternoon, Big White Ski Resort Ltd. will continue Resort operations until the point that Interior Health, or another Government body advise us to do otherwise. Our in-resort teams are working tirelessly to ensure best practices are being adhered to, sanitizing gathering areas and minimizing the amount of people congregating indoors. To that end, we will be limiting food services and other guest service amenities to ensure social distancing is in place and enforced both by our teams, and other resort restaurant partners.
This is what I mentioned Bogus Basin doing earlier.

Here in SoCal Snow Valley's last day was today. Mt. Baldy's last post was from Saturday, stating it would be open Sunday, closed Mon-Thu, then:
HOWEVER, our intention is to be open for the first quality day of skiing & riding. Expect an announcement regarding when that is and whether or not an opening is feasible as soon as we know it.

Mountain High's attitude is quite different:
Updated: Monday, March 16, 2020 07:35 PM
Escape to the outdoors and enjoy the sport we all love. Today is the beginning of a 4-day storm cycle that is expected to bring us another foot of new snow! Dress warm, wear light-lens goggles, and get ready for some pow turns! We are working hard to keep guests separated and safe but operations may be suspended at any day so please stay in touch with this report for the latest information.

Show your Epic or Ikon Pass and save 50% off an adult 8Hr ticket at the ticket windows. Hurry, offer ends 3/22.
FYI it's been raining here since mid-afternoon and definitely cold enough to be all snow in the SoCal mountains. OpenSnow estimates 6-10 inches by tomorrow night.
Marc_C":23nppqzs said:
How many will have to die before you stop thinking it's fear and hype? It sounds like you're denying the seriousness of the situation, which is usually the result of fear.

Um, I'm pretty sure that hiding in your house begging the government to become infinitely authoritarian is the pinnacle of fear. Which is pretty much the exact opposite as to my posts advocacy.

The answer to your first question is very few. Although I currently estimate that at least several hundred thousand US citizens will die and probably a million more will die over the next few years just due to economic destruction. These are very well researched effects of unemployment and underemployment.

As of today only the South Koreans have gotten anything even remotely in the ballpark of right:
Amid these dire trends, South Korea has emerged as a sign of hope and a model to emulate. The country of 50 million appears to have greatly slowed its epidemic; it reported only 74 new cases today, down from 909 at its peak on 29 February. And it has done so without locking down entire cities or taking some of the other authoritarian measures

Stop with the fear based stupidity, please US politicians.
What the South Koreans did was implement massive testing, as suggested by the Cliff Mass blog post I referenced a couple of days ago. Since our government was too bureaucratic/incompetent to ramp up widespread testing in the early stages, they now feel compelled to employ the self-quarantine/social isolation approach. That plan is not sustainable for any length of time due to human nature and economic fallout. So the effect is to defer not reduce a widespread breakout. The only real positive effect is "flattening the curve," meaning reducing the peak stress upon the health care system.
Panorama's last day was yesterday. Apex and Marmot's last day is today. Big White, Lake Louise, Sunshine and Castle are still open.

Brundage's last day is today. Silver Mt. is closed for the next 3 days but plans to reopen Friday. Bogus Basin, Tamarack and Pebble Creek (probably) are open.

Lookout, Great Divide, Discovery and Montana Snowbowl show no change from quoted open status yesterday but in some cases have not updated web pages with today's date.

Per OpenSnow Powder Mt. is closed (webpage not working) but Brian Head is open.

Dodge Ridge is open, but with no rentals, lessons or food & beverage. China Peak reiterates this morning that they will be open Thursday.

Mountain High has reluctantly done an about face:
Mountain High is CLOSED today due to concerns over Coronavirus. We fully intend to reopen as soon as we are able, in a manner that is safe, respectable, in line with regional Covid-19 guidelines.

During this closure, we will continue grooming the mountain to maintain our snowpack. While we currently do not know how long this will last, we are ready to resume operations at a moment's notice. New snow is falling and there is plenty of winter left to be had. Please keep in touch with us here for the latest information.
Mountain High got 8 inches yesterday. Big Bear did not update snow totals. Mammoth's storm total March 15-17 was 37 inches.
jamesdeluxe":qrvrmi1c said:
Tony Crocker":qrvrmi1c said:
Mountain High has reluctantly done an about face
Not surprising given its proximity to a huge metropolitan region.
Yes I thought it was kind of brazen to advertise half price for Epic and Ikon passholders under the circumstances. I wonder if someone in authority saw that and applied some pressure. If a US ski area plans to stay open, they should keep it somewhat on the down low and close lessons, rentals, food and beverage like Dodge Ridge and Bogus Basin IMHO.

It is interesting that in western Canada three of the open areas are high profile, with only Castle fitting the under-the-radar profile of most US areas still open. This is Ontario Spring Break Week. Patrick and family were going to Banff but I suspect they bailed.

As far as interior BC is concerned, many of those areas were so remote they close first or second week of April anyway. But Banff and Big White probably get a lot of that spring break business and don't want to give it up.
I was tested last night at an urgent-care facility. The good news: excellent care + I was in and out in 40 minutes. The less good news: it'll take at least five days to get the results.
Big White's last day was yesterday. I can't say I'm surprised at that one as it has a lot of on-site lodging and presumably bars and restaurants.

jamesdeluxe":1wdxyevu said:
I was tested last night at an urgent-care facility.
Because you were in Europe? My impression is that the tests are in such short supply you need a reason like that to get tested.