Xmas Week Question

My son only gets Dec 17-26 off from college (on the swim team), so I just booked our family on a trip to Jackson Hole/Grand Targhee for the whole time. Staying in JH at the Love Ridge condos at Snow King and rented a car so can get over to Targhee as needed depending upon snow conditions. May opt for the bus though if we don't feel like making the drive since its not too expensive.

I looked at Altabird and W/BC but both were more expensive. I also go to Utah so often that this will mix things up a bit. Going to Utah Feb 2-6 for the annual guys trip as well! Prob one more trip out west is also in the cards.

Who says being an empty nester is all bad?
I'm sold on Mt Bachelor. I have a couple of questions..Is Bachelor big enough to hold our attention for 5 days of skiing and is there anything to do , on a non ski day?
jasoncapecod":yvb7e0nf said:
Is Bachelor big enough to hold our attention for 5 days of skiing
Yes, with the caveat regarding weather closures. Summit is least reliable but has long, varied and 360 degree skiing. If it's open, get up there and ski it a lot, because you may not get many chances. If both Summit and Northwest are closed, Bachelor becomes a predominantly intermediate mountain. Some people might get tired of that if lasts the whole 5 days. You hear comments that Bachelor is flat, but in the sense of most of Keystone and Northstar, no. There's enough pitch over most of the mountain to ski powder.

jasoncapecod":yvb7e0nf said:
is there anything to do , on a non ski day?
Bend is down at 3,000 feet, so in spring the full range of summer activities are available while the skiing is still great. At Christmas Bend is cold enough that those activities will be more limited. I'll defer to local Schubwa to answer your question.

JC's trip is a reasonable speculation. Dec. 2009 would have been bad at JHMR but most other recent Decembers have been at least decent and a couple like last year were outstanding. If you hit a lean year you'll be commuting to Targhee a lot, but that's a better situation than you could be facing at many places in mid-December.
Plan for the worst:
Tony Crocker":u2e4qndl said:
jasoncapecod":u2e4qndl said:
If you hit a lean year you'll be commuting to Targhee a lot, but that's a better situation than you could be facing at many places in mid-December.

But hope for the best:
Tony Crocker":u2e4qndl said:
jasoncapecod":u2e4qndl said:
Dec. 2009 would have been bad at JHMR but most other recent Decembers have been at least decent and a couple like last year were outstanding.

I'm prepared to commute to Targhee if necessary, but am hoping we won't have to do that every day. Most years look decent at JHMR and snow is on the horizon for next week! It won't likely stay, but hopefully its a good omen.
Jasoncapecod":36gek051 said:
I have a couple of questions..Is Bachelor big enough to hold our attention for 5 days of skiing

I've lived here 16 years and get in over 50 days a season riding the lifts, and would put in many more if I weren't distracted by nordic skiing and hiking in the backcountry. So I'd say yes.

and is there anything to do , on a non ski day?

Unlike most western ski areas, Mt Bachelor is serviced by a (small) real city. Besides the obvious other snow sports (snowmo, XC, snowshoe, sledding), down in town there's tons of great dining, something like 10 breweries, shopping (no sales tax), a museum,theatres, yoga studios, a public health facility (indoor pools). And on and on. So I'd say yes.

Lets hope for lots of early season snow..

I'm with you on this one. No one ever knows how it'll be over Christmas, but even in years with hardly anything at Thanksgiving can be great a few weeks later. Usually if it's thin here it's even worse downstream of us. But all systems look like a go for this year.