American Election 2024

Who are the people in the image?
I don’t know to be honest. But I’ll make a guess that they are not the family of the soldiers.
From USA Today: "Trump visited Section 60 with Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, a Republican who is running for reelection in 2024, and bereaved family members who wanted Trump there, the Washington Post reported." Washington Post links are problematic when not shared by @jamesdeluxe

Not sure that link to Opinion piece by Eugene Robinson will work for everyone, so I'll paste beginning of it here:

"Donald Trump has shown the nation, once again, that he has no shame.

You knew that, of course. But hauling a camera crew to Arlington National Cemetery and exploiting the fresh graves of heroes — using them as props in his presidential campaign — was more than a violation of the cemetery’s rules; it was more, even, than a violation of federal law. It was a deeply dishonorable act by a shockingly dishonorable man."

And a political cartoon with quote from Trump from about two weeks ago.
This just in from MAGA World:

MAGA media keeps asking us “who are you gonna believe, us, or your lying eyes?”

Skip ahead to 20:56 for another example:

Seems straight from The Ministry of Truth:

“War is Peace”
“Freedom is Slavery”
“Ignorance is Strength”
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Old news.:beating-a-dead-horse:Last night the left wing commentator on PBS said of the Arlington incident, “This is one of the lowest political stunts I’ve seen in 20+years.”

David Brooks had the perfect response, “This is the lowest political stunt I’ve seen from Donald Trump in 48 hours.”

Trump is immune from downside political impact from these incidents, going back at least to Access Hollywood. Anyone disgusted by these incidents was never voting for Trump anyway.
MAGA media keeps asking us “who are you gonna believe, us, or your lying eyes?”

Skip ahead to 20:56 for another example:

Seems straight from The Ministry of Truth:

“War is Peace”
“Freedom is Slavery”
“Ignorance is Strength”
I don’t know anything about the Jon Stewart fellow but he has great delivery.
Who you love and live with is not my business or the Government's. Freedom reigns.
As long as you don’t need an abortion, especially for rape, medical complications, etc.
Or you want to marry someone from the same gender.
As long as you don’t need an abortion, especially for rape, medical complications, etc.
Or you want to marry someone from the same gender.
My sister was told or could I to say pressed hard by doctors to get an abortion for her third child. They told her he would be born with major medical problems.
My family serves a living God. We put our trust in him and my nephew life was put his hands!
He now is 34 years old ,normal with 4 kids of his own.
My previous post was about a shotgun. My house is protected yes shotguns, handguns and AR 15s and never has one jumped up and fired itself.
Gun safety ,respect of weapons and their lethal power has to be taught.
The breakdown of the American family and core values have added to the America’s problems and violence
Canada on the other hand ? Trudeau says you can you own a firearm for hunting, recreational purpose but not for self protection.
Is Trudeau anymore important than Mad Pat or his family? Because he is protecting by firearms?
Good post by Ctrygun. Continues my theory that there are all types of honest Americans with varied and valid opinions on numerous tough issues. Respect, dialog, lawfulness, and compromise are the way to keep us civil and unified. I'm antigun, but prolife. But it's more complicated than that. I'm ok with hunters and other responsible gun owners, I just want to see severe background checks and big restrictions on Saturday Night Specials and assault weapons. Re abortion, I'd accept throwing the issue back to the states. It's too hot an issue to paint with a broad brush and force populous states like Florida, Texas and Missouri to follow liberal reproductive policies favored by urban areas and deep blue zones.

PS: my in-laws are buried in section 60 of ANC. My parents are close by in ANC as well. I visited the cemetery about a month ago.
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Respect, dialog, lawfulness, and compromise are the way to keep us civil and unified.
How would a post-November GOP go about that?

Trump thinks "[immigrants are] poisoning the blood of our country" and the GOP choice for North Carolina governor seems to hate women (abortions okay when what? he thinks it would benefit him?)
How would a post-November GOP go about that?

Trump thinks "[immigrants are] poisoning the blood of our country" and the GOP choice for North Carolina governor seems to hate women (abortions okay when what? he thinks it would benefit him?)
You got it wrong. Criminal illegal aliens are what Trump referred to. Do some research yourself. Get the facts correct. Legal immigration has always defined this Country.
My grandparents came her in the 1930’s with sponsors. They left their flag behind and embraced the American way.
He said "poisoning the blood". Blood doesn't know legal status. My blood doesn't change if I become a criminal by robbing a bank or sneaking across a border. When somebody says poisoning the blood, they expose their racism for all to hear, sorry.
The gun discussion has taken on a life of its own and is moved here. That thread is now locked. Everyone's opinion on the subject has been aired and I don't want it to degenerate into a flame war. The topic here is the 2024 election, and people may not like it, but I don't see guns as a determining issue in 2024. Has anyone changed their opinion on the subject in the past 15 years?
Re abortion, I'd accept throwing the issue back to the states.
In the framework of the Constitution, Federalism and the 10th Amendment, It's hard to argue against that view.

But in the real world, I don't see it reasonable or practical to have such radical divergence among the states. There are severe consequences to having a lot of unwanted children. If you read Freakonomics, there was an unexpected drop in the crime rate in the 1990's, starting about 18 years after Roe vs. Wade. That crime drop started earlier in the 3 states that legalized most abortions earlier, California, New York and Washington. FYI the California law was signed in 1969 by...... Governor Ronald Reagan.

I read Alito's opinion. He pointed to a bunch of historical state abortion bans in line with his so-called originalist thinking. But those bans were passed in the late 19th century. At the time the US was founded (and for centuries before that elsewhere), life was assumed to begin (and thus abortion not permitted) at the time of quickening (when you can feel a fetus move). That's about 15 weeks, which is what the Mississippi test case law said, and what Roberts wanted to make the rule.

And if you object to abortion on religious grounds, Judaism believes life begins at birth, and in this country we are not supposed to favor one religion's view over others.

In many European countries the time limit for no questions asked abortions is around 15 weeks, determined by national legislation not the judiciary. In the US 95% of abortions are performed by 15 weeks, and most of the later ones involve imminent health risks to mother or severe birth defects. In light of that I could live with 15 weeks as a national rule in order to get off the contentious political treadmill of the past 50+ years, even though my personal view is more like the Jews.