Mt. Waterman and Snowcrest/Kratka Ridge

They look fine to me. I was going to say that you didn't resize the pics down to 640x480, which was a 22% multiplier. But if you can't see the pics, that's an issue with your computer.
It snowed some yesterday down to about 4000 (just enough to screw up the road) and more expected all week. Thursday and Friday could be up to around 2 feet hopefully. Health inspection is looking like Thursday and hopefully up and running by the weekend.

Russell, it is different than in the old days where Lynn just greased the palm of the inspectors (LOL). The kitchen is being remodeled and brought up to code. The days of the freezer out back are over and new propane refrigerators have been installed that work all night even when the generators are turned off for the night. Finally have a charbroiler and fryer for fries and all this new equipment has to be signed off on by the health dept.

I also want to pass along that there will be no rentals, or ski/board school at this time. It has been a long and expensive chore to get the area up and running again and the ammenities will follow later. My hat is off to Rick Metcalf for undergoing this endeavor and hopefully he will see a return on his investment soon which will lead to getting Kratka going also. Also Matt Schoefield has put in endless hours doing the physical work to get the lifts certified again and he has been unfortunatly recently diagnosed with cancer and is under going chemo and hopefully will beat this illness.

There is also no liquor license yet, once the Health dept. signs off we can apply for the beer license (so BYOB).
I was just reading SnowForecast report for Mt. High (Wrightwood) and it is calling for 28-43 inches over the next 5 days with big snow on Saturday. Now Waterman usually gets 1-1/2 times more than Wrightwood which would work out to about 3-5 feet (and SnowForecast is usually conservative). We could be skiing Avalanche by the weekend except if it snows that much we probably won't have a road for a day or two. Looking like an EPIC storm!
Here's an Update. Reopening a ski area is a complex situation of dealing with governmental agencies on the Federal, State, and County level and also getting the Insurance worked out. Everything has to come together at once to get it done and there is always new issues. With that said Waterman WILL NOT be able to operate this weekend and probably not for another week at the least. We want to be open for the public to enjoy and hope that everyone will understand that we are working towards that. If we get the predicted snow in the next few days we will have a good season till April and hopefully longer if it continues to snow over the next few months and then Rick is working on the return of Mountain Biking in the summer.
Tom Moriarty":1kfuncrb said:
I was just reading SnowForecast report for Mt. High (Wrightwood) and it is calling for 28-43 inches over the next 5 days with big snow on Saturday. Now Waterman usually gets 1-1/2 times more than Wrightwood which would work out to about 3-5 feet (and SnowForecast is usually conservative). We could be skiing Avalanche by the weekend except if it snows that much we probably won't have a road for a day or two. Looking like an EPIC storm!

Wow, SnowForecast has gone loco. :shock:
Breaking News!

All roads into the Angeles National Forest are now closed. Just got off the phone with the Chilao CalTrans yard and 2-1/2 feet last night and over 6 feet so far and still snowing with another big storm due in tomorrow through Monday. Waterman will probably have over 10 feet when this is done. We will be skiing till summer!

Baldy and Mt. HIgh have both gotten about 3 ft.. no one has gotten 6 ft at this point. You should know better than to believe those Chilao Cal Trans guys.. :lol:

It's a shame Waterman is going to miss out on being open during/right after this storm series.. It would have been a great kick off to re-opening :?
Even when all was in order, Mt. Waterman rarely opened right away after sustained storms with low snow levels. They have 20 miles of road over 4,000 ft. to plow vs. about 4 (albeit very tough) at Mt. Baldy.

FYI you better get it today or tomorrow, because all the weather sites show rain up to 8,000 feet Saturday night and Sunday morning #-o . At least they are also calling for some snow on the back end of that storm, so hopefully Sunday will be the only bad day.
Waterman always gets 1-1/2 to 2 times more snow than Mt. High and even Baldy at the level of the ski area. I am at newcomb's right now and we have 2 to 3 feet here.
The storms of the past 2 days (cold, coming from the NW) are the type that favor Mt. Waterman. I'd guess 4+ feet based upon what Mt. High and Baldy claim. The upcoming Saturday/Sunday storm from the SW will be a different story. Baldy's extra elevation may make a big difference.
might want to clue in your webmaster to change it to 6 ft.. as the website for waterman says 18-24", and updated today..

Waterman generally avg's slightly more snow than Baldy/Mtn high.. but they do not get 1-2 times more snow than everywhere else in every storm..

btw, it (the site) says waterman may open next friday?
Tom Moriarty":2tjiun14 said:
Waterman always gets 1-1/2 to 2 times more snow than Mt. High and even Baldy at the level of the ski area. I am at newcomb's right now and we have 2 to 3 feet here.

FWIW, Mountain High is claiming up to 44" (up top, I presume). Got over there today. Didn't bring a ruler but a lot of snow.