Mt. Waterman and Snowcrest/Kratka Ridge

Tony Crocker":z273mcm3 said:
FYI, I saw this angry blog on Southland Ski server today:

When was that posted, 2004/05 or this year? They did have an owernship/management crisis beyond the cash problem when Stubbs died. Someone had to take over and there was no one immediately forthcoming most likely. I would not call this a record ski season like 2004/05.



Mt. Waterman is NOT going to open again. This hill and its neighbor Kratka
Ridge join the ranks of no longer in existence (extinct) ski areas.

Don't buy into the we need permits and inspections. They need cash to open
which they've got none. The place has turned into a private resort for the
"ski patrol" who abuse their priviledge and access.

If management were serious they'd of ponied up the cash already as Southern
California is having a RECORD ski season. Come on, if they can't open in
RECORD (yes, I said R-E-C-O-R-D) snow year then you know they won't ever open
again. Why wait... the cash only rolls in the front door when you start up the
lift. Any idiot would know that.

Frankly, Angeles Crest Resorts is cash strapped, has no phone number and is

I agree with the logic in general. The current natural snowbase might not keep the steep face runs open, but they would have been good for a few days after each storm. The easier chairs up top should still have good coverage now.
I remember that post and at the time it sure looked that way. MW was days away from the Forest Service pulling the permits and reforesting the area. Thank God for Lynn Newcomb and Rick Metcalf saving the resort and now looks like we will open this weekend maybe if everything can get pulled together. I will know more about that tomorrow night.
Have to say first that when the management dies there are problems in who can operate a place, not only cash that is no longer there. Secondly, patrol are not abusing privileges. They have no privileges. Private ski areas also use patrol. Patrol work hard, far from privileges. They do not get to go inside in weather they don't care for, ski when they want to, talk to who they want to, see what they want, or do what they want. They serve, do intense duty. This summer I did my drills as required at a private ski area in NY. Yes, even folks who have private areas also have privileges to use ski patrol. Patrols dish out a lot of money, train other patrols, set protocols, do research, publications, and the list goes on for free as a civic volunteer operation when they could be making real money. Most National Patrols have worked, gone to school while working, and have good jobs. They are donating time that is difficult to deal with ......... blank, blank, blank. Just remember than the next time you need one. A little respect for the predicament Waterman is in and patrols is in order. Private ski areas are private for a reason. It is part of a way of life in America.
I got to make a couple of runs on the Face today, if you call what I did skiing after not skiing for a few years. The conditions were thick powder with a layer of crust on top and I wish I took my snowboard rather than skis. I did not hit a single rock personaly, but others found a few. I was very surprised by the coverage and very few rocks although some weeds sticking through and the guys were cutting down the bigger branches.

Now, here is the deal! To open the area has to have the kitchen up and running and we are working on that so we can get Health Dept. inspection. So if all goes well we hope to open mid month hopefully after the next set of storms that are possible.

The new website should be up in a couple of days and the address will be: and a new snow phone hopefully tomorrow.
Looks like the new web site is now online:

I like the look, but too much Flash for my tastes

Hope the resort opens soon. In the meanwhile, head over to Baldy, snow was great earlier this week, but who knows how long it will hold out.

anyone else wondering why they have the snow valley trail map up on their tickets page... also found it a bit odd that their isnt one picture of the actual ski area anywhere on the website.
Howdy All,

Sorry if I'm a bit hamfisted at this, this is my first post. I've been viewing this topic thread for a while and using some of the info to try to get business contact info for Mt. Waterman, so thanks for all who posted any. Anyway, I learned to ski on Mt. Waterman and Kratka Ridge over 30 years ago and was disappointed to hear they were defunct, then encouraged to hear someone was putting in the money and effort to revive them. I went snowshoeing on Waterman this weekend and ran into a Jeff? Matt? Schofield who told me he was the new GM of Waterman and directed me towards the new website ( ). He said the intent was not to do any grand expansion like ACR tried, but just to bring it back to the state it was in when he was a kid. He said the lifts were going to be open for business Wednesday, but I would email on the new website to confirm. It looks like someone got the most recent photo pulled, so here's some pics I took Saturday of the bottom face and Chair 1, plus one shot of the bunny slopes due west of the warming hut. Best-


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Judz":2qg0q1rl said:
anyone else wondering why they have the snow valley trail map up on their tickets page... also found it a bit odd that their isnt one picture of the actual ski area anywhere on the website.

Yep, that was sure weird. And the lift stats are totally wrong ("Lifts Open: 12 of 12")...since when did they add 9 more lifts?

I contacted them via the email address listed on the web site, and here's the reply I got (from Roberto M.) this week:

"Thanks for checking in us. Yes the map is not right. Web guy left on vacation before the right map got to us. Will update ASAP. Check out our season passes. Get five guys together and we will get you a great deal.
Mountain is just waiting for snow.


Funny thing is, I don't see anything about a season pass deal on their site.... :( Doesn't sound like a great deal given their snowfall/snowmaking history. I wish they'd consider something like "buying shares" in Mt. Waterman, like Mad River Glen does for their co-op. I'm sure there are other Waterman enthusiasts that might pony up to help out in this way...
No, MW is not open and will not be this weekend. The permit calls for food to be available to open the area and work is being done to get the kitchen done ASAP. Hopefully nexts weeks predicted storms will produce snow and MW will be open after that.

If anyone wants updated info just email me at and I will respond as soon as possible.
Hire a roach coach while it's winter. You can even hire In-n-Out if you wanna go hog wild.

I mean, thank you for already doing the hard stuff like passing lift inspection and a jillion other things. To be held up by something so seemingly trivial is to say to potential season pass buyers, well, what exactly?
I copied this for ya! I am trying to get the pics here too. They were sent opened in an email. The following is hopeful:

Good Morning Waterman patrollers,

Well it looks like we're not opening this weekend. The owners want to wait for the next snow fall to open so that we can have a fabulous opening day.

Mike and I are going up on Saturday, all patrollers are welcome to join us to do some work on the first aid room, do a few turns, and some more roping. Meet at chair 1 at 9 am.

Management is in the process of get signed off for the restaurant, and is paying for the insurance to cover the public when we open.

Just a reminder, when we open to the public scheduled patrollers are required to be at the bottom of chair 1, 1 hour before opening booted up and ready to go up. This means if we open at 8am please be in the parking lot at 6:45, and on the lift at 7. Get up, morning meeting, set up closers and clearances, check runs and coverage.

Here are some pictures from last Saturday. (What I am trying to get to you! Hang on!) Carol

tattooco":87o5lsbs said:
Well, it's been dumping silly for two weeks now, and I tried all the phone numbers for Waterman & Kratka, and nothing. My search online also ended up here, so this seems to be the only place with any pertinent info on either lifts.

What a shame. I loved Waterman! The food was the best resort food I've had anywhere (including Aspen, Snowmass - where you figure all the hoity toity folks would vie for outstanding food). There were never any crowds, even on weekends. And the hour and ten minute commute from the west side made it the closest ride to me.

This is sad. If anyone hears of some uplifting *ahem* news, let me know.

Erika Stanley,
Ex-Wateman Regular ca. 1993
CWHappyRN":19sjqrb2 said:
C:\Users\Carol Woodward\Desktop\WatermanSnow1.08.JPG

C:\Users\Carol Woodward\Desktop\WatermanRun1.08.JPG

C:\Users\Carol Woodward\Desktop\WatermanRun2.108.JPG

The pictures won't attach. I think these are just on my desktop??????????????

I forwarded the email for the more experienced Crocker to try and post for you Waterman Die Hards.I am not that computer literate, but, learning more every day. :)

CWHappyRN":19sjqrb2 said:
I copied this for ya! I am trying to get the pics here too. ]
Quick question and I know the weather is impossible to predict etc etc but in an average year when would you guys predict Waterman to close?

I'm heading out from Scotland mid March til mid April and flying into Billings MT and then onwards. I clock up huge mileage and love seeing new places regardless at times of conditions. At the minute I am liking the idea of hitting Tahoe resorts and heading for some fun in SoCal before meeting my bro and dad in Colorado in early April.
i skinned up waterman today. the ski patrol mtw staff were working on the lifts.

i spoke with one of the patrolman. he was cool and said they needed lots more snow.

there was really good coverage in some places, mixed conditions. i skied o.b on the kratka side. on the right aspects, the heavy snow had consolidated and was very consistant.

on the slopes that are shaded all day, death.

made for a fun run down.
q":1n33s5n7 said:
Quick question and I know the weather is impossible to predict etc etc but in an average year when would you guys predict Waterman to close?

Having lived in So. CA and skied it for well over 25 years, the big storms often hit in March. It is rare to have a So. CA resort without a lot of snow making open past April. It does happen in fat snow years, even to May. Mammoth, which is in the more Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains, is frequently skied into July!
Just as I tell people not to fly into the Northeast just for skiing, I would certainly say the same for SoCal. If you're coming to L.A. for business, visiting friends, other sightseeing here and you have your ski gear, we can tell you when you get here if any of the skiing is worthwhile.

skierX's assessment is consistent with what Garry Klassen told me about Baldy last Monday the 14th. Garry doesn't know what caused the melt/freeze, but the normally good stuff on Thunder was all hard snow.

On your March/April trip, extend your scheduled time at Tahoe and drive the 3 hours down to Mammoth for a few of those days. Don't bother coming down here for skiing unless you have other reasons to visit L.A. Mammoth is 3,500 acres vs. about 200 for the typical SoCal area. Mt. Baldy is the exception but highly unreliable.

SoCal natural snow tends to be feast or famine. The feast years (1998, 2001, 2005) do tend to extend into May. The others are dependent on snowmaking, usually only decent at Big Bear and pretty sloppy by March if it doesn't snow.

I do have lots of info on the SoCal areas: . I'll need to update this on Waterman's status once they get going.

Current status, updated every week or so:

Historical snow conditions:

CWHappyRN's pictures attached, I think they are from a week ago.


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